I’ve suffered with IBD for 24 years and at last I have my symptoms under control, in fact I am recovering. After such a long time it is life changing for me. My recovery started with eating LoFodmap foods which gave my digestion a much needed rest, then after considerable research I stumbled across Sodium Butyrate which has been a game changer. I urge anyone reading this who has colon inflammation to give it a try as I can now eat whatever I fancy including high fibre foods and fruit which were a no no before. My doctor has reduced my medication and I am hoping for complete remission at my next colonoscopy. The results of SB speak for themselves 😉 and this has been the best Christmas present I could have ever wished for. Two months ago I was facing the prospect of having to start taking biologics as I was so poorly and steroidal treatment had ceased to work and now I just feel like a normal, healthy happy person 😀
Sodium Butyrate are short chain fatty acids which are the chosen food of coloncytes, the cells that line the colon. Early studies have shown that they can reduce inflammation and heal the mucosal lining in time. They even have the capacity of killing off pre cancer cells. It is given to patients recovering from bowel surgery.
I hope this post will help anyone with Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns and I wish you all well x