Hi There,
This is my first time posting. I'm hoping to gather some feedback from anyone that might have been in a similar position.
I went to see my doctor in early November. I was having abdominal pain to the right side.
Shortly after these pains began I noticed I had a feeling that I needed to pass stool but was unable to. When I did pass, I passed narrow, loose stool. I also have a feeling of indigestion and something is travelling up my throat. My doctor advised that this was a stomach virus and would pass. (My doctor did do blood tests and sent me for an upper abdomen ultrasound to rule out gallstones. Both US and blood test came back OK)
After two weeks the symptoms did not improve. I noticed some blood in my stool - this prompted another visit to the clinic. The doctor did a rectal exam (which was fine) but noted my colon felt tender. I was given Movicol to take twice a day.
I visited my doctor again early December for a follow up - again, my doctor stated my colon felt a bit swollen. There has been no improvement. The pain to the right side of my abdomen is persistent. The stools feel narrow and loose and at times I still feel as though there is more to pass.
I have spoken to a second GP. This GP has said it warrants investigation but I need a referral letter from my GP. Although it warrants investigation, I am not showing any other red flags.
Does anyone on here have experience with Movicol? I would understand my first couple of stools being looser but by now Should my stools be Fuller? Is this likely a bad build up of constipation?
My concern is that it has been going on for 9 weeks Approx. Is that normal for constipation?
At this point, I am anxious about the whole thing.
Has anyone here gone through similar?
Many Thanks