Hello, my 14 year old son has a Calprotectin level of 1422. He has an upper GI and lower GI/colonoscopy scheduled in 12 days. After googling this afternoon, I’m feeling quite concerned having seen high Calprotectin levels could be indicative of cancer (however rare in children and adolescents). But still, frightening for a parent (or anyone for that matter) to read!
Backstory- my son has been dealing with gastro problems for about a year. He had a stool sample done at onset, but it came back normal (not sure if Calprotectin was measured then). The dr believed his digestive issues could be due to lactose intolerance, so we took dairy out of his diet and saw some improvements (or so we thought). IBS also runs in the family, so the dr mentioned it could be that as well. However, his stomach has continued to be sensitive with frequent diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal pain. We thought it was just the IBS. Around that same time he was exhausted most of the time. Blood test showed he had traces of mono and low iron, so started an iron supplement.
Fast forward to two weeks ago- my son noticed blood in his stool. A considerable amount, which was alarming. That’s when we decided it was time to see a pediactric gastroenterologist. The stool sample and blood tests both show elevated inflammatory markers. From what I’ve learned from research, it seems very possible he has IBD. His iron levels are very low, even though he’s been on an iron supplement. I’m happy to report the ball is rolling and we are hoping to get some answers. I just hate he’s having to deal with this.
In addition to the digestive issues, he’s been VEEY tired lately. He is underweight, always has been though. I’ve noticed lately how pale his skin looks. He’s been complaining of chills going through his body from time to time. Anyone else experience anything similar or have insight to share? This is scary!