Hi Everyone,
I had a stool sample a week ago and blood tests following some stomach cramps for about 10 days. My doctor called me yesterday to say my faecal calprotectin is 140 with a normal level at 50. She initially said she was referring me to the hospital but then oddly changed her mind and said do another sample in a weeks time.
She said my bloods came back just fine which was a bit reassuring. I told her I suffer really badly with health anxiety but she didn't really listen and was saying the reason could be inflamed bowel disease of Crohns, or even a bacterial infection.
I did ask the question, could it be cancer, which she said shes not thinking about that at all.
I know you shouldn't Google, but I did and it seems 140 is kind of borderline. Does a persons diet affect this? I don't eat meat, I rarely eat veg and have generally been living off pizzas and takeaways during lockdown.