Every since i was had Gastroenteritis back in 2015 my stomach has never been same again,I have been rushed to A&E 5 Times since start of year with stomach pain throwing up blood and bad flare up i have constipation one day next day bad loose stools with red blood in it, i have had Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy, MRI small bowel, i also had antibiotics for helicobacter pylori no response, i am currently on B12 injections and Folic acid i was admitted to my local hospital again on 07/05/2019 and came out yesterday while i was in hospital they did Video Capsule endoscopy get my results on 17/05/19 i am currently 7 stone i was 10 last year and BMI is 17 this is so mental my Gastroenterologist specialist at Tunbridge wells Hospital advised me i dont have crohns disease that i have Likely functional bowel disorder. and IBS which i dont believe this as my symptoms are awful every time i eat i feel so sick after
to cope with pain i take Morphine, Codeine or end up in Hospital with fluid also every-time i end up in hospital my blood pressure is always really low and nothing gets done, they even sent me for Ultrasound for my appendix and was clear!
currently out of work at moment due to this shit disease
i am only 28 years old and i want my life back sick living in Hell!