I think I’m just looking for somewhere to air my confusion about what is happening.
At the end of nov I began to get awful pain in my left pelvis/abdo and left side of my lower back. The pain had me back at the GP 4 times in a week and a trip to a&e. My GP first diagnosed kidney infection and then kidney stones which were proved wrong my lab results and CT scan, though there has been blood in my urine since.
In December my bowels started to play up, over Christmas week I was living on loperamide as it was all just blood, liquid and mucous coming out! So Dr requested a stool sample and prescribed buscopan which did nothing but stool came back with elevated calprotectin. But bowel symptoms resolved so she went to the gynaecology route quieting endometriosis.
Blood tests have also come back as raised inflammation markers.
The last two weeks have been absolute hell. I have had diarrhoea for 2 weeks, all blood and mucus again and going about 8-10 times a day! To say I’m exhausted is an understatement!
GP is now putting endometriosis on the back burner and is now querying IBD. I just feel drained from all the back and forth misdiagnosis, I feel like I’m going mad!
Sorry for the long one! Just needed to vent and talking about my poo with my friends and family is a bit cringey!