So because I'm not diagnosed with anything as yet apart from ibs d (which I know this isnt) the dietician put me on a low fodmap diet. Some days I think yeah this is helping but other days like last night I'm still getting the burning stabbing pains. Has anyone tried this diet and found it helpful? I'm due to do another calprotectin test to check my levels I see a gastroenterologit in September so not long to go and hopefully I'll have a proper diagnosis
Low fodmap not really helping - Crohn's and Colit...
Low fodmap not really helping

Hi Sammyal, I tried the diet (which was recommended after a Hydrogen Breath Test) - and including the re-introduction phase, I was on it for about 6-8 months! Which is really tough, but largely thanks to my wife's persistence in cooking low fodmap and looking for some good low fodmap lunches (whilst at work) I managed to get through! For the first 6 weeks or so I still had very bad stomach cramps and IBS-D every 5-7 days, but this settled eventually.
I'm off the diet now, but it was very helpful for me to understand which specific food groups cause me irritation and so I avoid too many of those and I also take a good pro-biotic every morning which helps.
All the best!

Good to hear you are seeing a gastroenterologist - its about time!.
The FODMAP diet is basically foods that are easier for the bowel to break down, thus means it doesnt have to work as hard.
It may be worth trying a low residue diet for few days. A low residue diet is very bland, white rice, bread, boiled potatoes (no skin) boiled chicken, white fish etc. no caffeine, pops, juice, fruit and veg. and try not to have too much milk (if any).
its basically a fibre/sugars free diet and is even easier on the gut. However it is very poor nutritionally so should not be done for periods longer than a week at most.
It may just rest the gut even more before going on to the FODMAP diet.
Good luck xx