Hi has anyone any tips to help with fatigue and feeling down. I don't seem to have any motivation. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with Crohn's Disease and I feel I'm in shock. I went for an MRI scan on Tuesday to check my small bowl for the disease, which wasn't very nice because the stuff they gave me gave me horrendous pain and diaria for 6 hours. I see the specialist on the 21st and they hopefully will be changing my medication, as the 1 they wanted to put me on they couldn't because of my liver, so have to have an ultra sound for that. I am trying to work, but can't think of anything else and i'm worried I will lose my job if I carry on like this, luckily I work from home and they can't see me not working.
Feel really down and no energy - Crohn's and Colit...
Feel really down and no energy

Hello Kathy
Sorry to hear you feel so down and fatigued since your Crohn's diagnosis. Actually, it sounds just like me after I was diagnosed with UC a few weeks ago. A few weeks after I started taking the prescribed medication I added at least one Actimel a day (sometimes three or four) as well as a peppermint oil capsule. Since then I've really turned a corner and feel more like my old self.
I hope you find something that works for you and wish you well.
You will get your energy back but it takes time ..
I was bed ridden and had to leave my job but if you work from home use this to your advantage.
You have to wake up every morning and tell yourself in the mirror "am going to get better am going to get better "
Eat high energy foods and fish , low carbs foods but get docs advice on diet .
Good luck an you will get better .

Unfortunately fatigue is part of the package that comes with IBD. A lupus sufferer wrote this and I think she hit the nail on the head -
Ive had to reduce my hours to part time, its still a struggle and il have days when I just lounge around doing nothing. It took me a long time to accept that, and there are still members of my family and friends that dont understand.
Crohn's and Colitis UK have some info on fatigue in IBD which may be of help -
Hi Kathy, I have Crohn's disease. I follow a gluten free diet because I'm gluten sensitive. I eat really healthy. I do have treats sometimes though. I take ferogloblin which you can buy from the chemist it's a mild iron supplement. I take vit D, and Turmeric along with a multivitamin. I start my day with a banana because it gives me the energy I need to get going. I've reduced my hours to 20 a week I can't cope with any more than that because of the tiredness. I walk nearly every day because that gives me energy!!! I go to meditation classes because that's saved my sanity!! I too suffered anxiety and depression due to the Crohn's diagnosis. It's the no cure thing that bothered me!! So by doing all the things I've said I feel like I've got some control back because without it I felt pretty desperate. It's very hard to come to terms with. It takes time and being able to talk to others who understand really helps. We all have to find our own way regarding what works for us. I feel blessed that I have good days now. Almost normal. They are few and far between but they give me hope that I can get better!!! As of yet there is no cure but I live in hope everyday for a cure for autoimmune disease. Just take each day as it comes but most of all look after yourself as best you can. Mind, body and soul 😁we have to do the best we can for ourselves. Take care x