Hi folks. General advice needed. Mum and I have both been diagnosed with non ulcerated colitis and not much advice from the docs except to take the meds and go easy on the fibre. Mums on pentesa and has been for some time, and I was diagnosed in 2015 and given salofalk. (Melsalazine). Flare ups are worse for mum than for me, and I was wondering if anyone knows if pentesa is really an up to date medication these days?
Non uclerated colitis/IBD: Hi folks... - Crohn's and Colit...
Non uclerated colitis/IBD
Which have you been diagnosed with ? I've been diagnosed with microscopic colitis. It's a nightmare. Tried all the meds but nothing controls it.
Mine was I think colorectal ( so I was initally given two does of Salofac. One oral and one not) and mums was more general non ulcerated colitis. The meds do calm things down, and im hopeful that getting diagnosed before things get to the ulcer stage means we can stay under control with meds... if the desise follows a curve... but ... you know how it is with the nhs. We could probably do with advice from other folks with the same problems as our doc doesn't seem to know much. We've both got asthma too. I've had half my thyroid removed due to a benign tumour and I've just been told I have too many platelets...
I must admit I do wonder if its all part of a whole problem or just different stuff ganging up on me.