It's all about belief in yourself - my first 1... - Couch to 5K

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It's all about belief in yourself - my first 10K!!

Rollertoaster profile image
29 Replies

This morning I woke up and saw such a lovely day and decided I was going to run 10K. Now I’ve not trained for this so I thought as long as I paced myself and walked when I needed to then I would somehow get round and have something to improve on next time. So I decided to do my 5K route twice, turn off the voice prompts on Endomondo as I didn’t want it affecting my pace (if I feel I am going well, I’ll tire earlier and if I’m slow, I’ll get despondent) and just see how I get on and enjoy the sunshine. So off I went.

The first 5K was fairly standard, but I was mindful to keep a steady even pace, but not push it too much as there was much longer to go. As I finished the first 5K I was exhausted which was entirely psychological. This was my usual end point after all, and the thought of going round again seemed torturous! So I slowed to a slow jog, recomposed myself for the second half and promised myself I could always walk a little if needed, perhaps when I get to the next tree, next corner etc. It went on like this for a while and before long I realised I must have covered around 7K and I may be able to put off walking for a little longer. I carried on taking in all the sights, watching others out walking, on bikes and running and suddenly I realised that I was turning the corner, into the final section of my run, along the canal. I was going to do this, nothing would stop me! I carried on to the finish, stopped Endomondo, my legs turned to jelly and I burst into tears. I had done it! I had run the whole thing and I had done it in 1:05:11! This was the icing on the cake as I was aiming for around 1:10:00 for my first attempt.

As I said earlier, I hadn’t trained for this. I got to week 3 of the B210K podcasts at the start of the year, but had done nothing longer than 5K since and never any longer distances with continuous running. This may have been foolish, but I was very careful to pace myself, and was regularly checking in with my lungs and legs and adapting my pace if I was feeling tired and this got me through, surpassing all my expectations.

This reinforced to me how much running is a psychological matter and with the right attitude, that our bodies can do far more than we realise. Believe in yourselves, and you can do anything! :)

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Rollertoaster profile image
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29 Replies
SBG356 profile image

Absolutely fantastic, another member of the 10K club!! :) I knew you would smash it soon RT and this is certainly the day for it! 1:05 is brilliant you must feel so proud! Well done!

We both started the B210K at the same time and though we both abandoned it here we are achieving the distance around the same time too! Dont you just love this forum, the 5x50 team and well, just running! Enjoy celebrating your sucess; I certainly will be and will raise a glass to you too! ;)

Sue x

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to SBG356

Thanks Sue, I'm so happy to be in the club! :) I do feel very proud, but a little achey, lol.

We do seem to be having similar running experiences, graduating at the same time and then progressing at similar rates. I hadn't realised you had also abandoned B210K too, it just wasn't doing it for me. It may have been returning to walking breaks that put me off!

I couldn't agree more about the forum and the support. It really makes all the difference and the support for our 5x50 team is brilliant! I really find myself wanting to put the Ks in, to get our team total up. I believe we have covered a distance between London and somewhere in central Africa already and still with plenty of days to go, I'll raise a glass to that!

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Yes it was the intervals I couldnt get on with either so left it and just started running but increasing the distance little by little until I got there, about this time last month. I am a little achey too but it should be fine tomorrow hopefully...I have a date with an exercise DVD and it is lethal!! :O

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to SBG356

Yeah I'm just taking it easy this afternoon before gearing up for tomorrow's exercise :) Good luck with the DVD, is it Davina? I've noticed a few of you talking about how brutal it is! She is a cruel mistress!

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Yes Davina the Devil!!!! :) I have been doing her workouts for years but after a break it has been brutal indeed going back...but no pain no gain eh?! ;)

dottiemay profile image

Another amazing 10K and PB runner - there's definitely something in the air this week! Could it have something to do with that strange yellow thing that mysteriously appeared in the sky from nowhere...?!

Well done RT, what a great run and excellent time too! :-)

I love having the distractions of other things to push me on. It was the daffodils along the verge of my incline that got me up it yesterday!

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to dottiemay

Thanks dottie, I think you may have hit the nail on the head there! That mysterious yellow thing certainly seems to be making the difference! I'm so glad to see that old friend, who I thought had deserted us all :)

swanscot profile image

Brilliant to see you join the '10K' club too. It sounds like a lovely run, too. That's what it's all about. :-) Brilliant pace too! ;)

I'm enjoying seeing my 'fellow classmates' talk about running 10ks and having fun doing so. :-) I, too, abandoned B25K - I found the walking breaks distracting and upsetting to my rhythm.

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to swanscot

The run really is what it's all about and I think has reawakened my love for it! Yay! I'm so glad to be in the club!

You abandonded too? It was horrible re-starting each time after the breaks that always flew by. I found it physically exhausting!

PastyMan profile image

Well done Rollertoaster .... I've ended up posting on Malcy and SBG356's blogs too with the same question that you've pretty much answered here about the step up from 5 to 10k. I don't want to change too much just now with the 5x50 challenge but the 3 blogs have all given me a real itch to try it out .....

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to PastyMan

Thanks Pastyman. I don't know if the way I did it, (by not building up to it over time) is generally advised, and you must be careful not to risk jeopardising 5x50 as you are doing so well (I don't how you run every day, I'd be wrecked!), but I totally understand your temptation. It was all the recent 10K achievers that inspired me, so perhaps go for it, but listen to your body and be prepared to stop early if necessary? :)

PamJK profile image

Fantastic effort. I can only dream of such feats! x

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to PamJK

Thanks! I'm sure you'll be able to do it too! :)

wilmacgh profile image

Found this post really inspiring. I keep hesitating about signing up for a 10k and reading this made me think I might just be able to do it.

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to wilmacgh

Thanks wilma! I'd say go for it! Worse case scenario you have to walk a little. Well that's no biggie! Meanwhile you'd learn a lot and may also amaze yourself! :)

AliB1 profile image

That's fantastic and a brilliant time too :)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to AliB1

Thanks Ali! Not sure I want to do it again for a while though! :)

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Something we all say! Give it a little but of time and then it will be maybe and then you booking the next race :)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to AliB1

I did find the marathon runners today very inspiring...

Anniemurph profile image

Absolutely brilliant - you are a star! A fantastic time as well - you must be so proud of yourself :)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Aw thanks Annie! :)

TJFlute profile image

10k!! Fantastic! A great time too! No wonder you burst into tears, it's a huge achievement and you really believed in yourself. We can all do so much; we just don't know it!

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to TJFlute

Thanks Teresa! It was definitely an emotional moment! They may have also been tears of relief that it was over :) I think that's the big thing I brought from C25K to my 10K attempt, to trust your body, it can do it, it's all about mental attitude.

greenlegs profile image

Wow! So impressed! Mind over legs?!

You have planted a tiny seed of an idea that maybe one day I will go for a 10k after all (not yet, as 5k is a bit of a challenge still, as it takes me 45+ minutes, but maybe, one day...)

I think I'll have to get to the end of 5x50 first though!

Really well done. :)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to greenlegs

haha, mind over legs indeed! Or perhaps distraction over mind! :)

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Rollertoaster

Perhaps having this in the back of my mind was partly what spurred me on to do 7k today? 10 doesn't seem quite so far off now! :)

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to greenlegs

Wow! Well done, good job! :) adding another 3 will be a breeze!

gdeann profile image

Well look at you! :-) I knew, knew, knew, you could do it!!!!!! :-) So happy to have you as a fellow classmate and now a member of the 10K club!!!!! :-) Next stop, half marathon? ;-) Gayle

Rollertoaster profile image
RollertoasterGraduate in reply to gdeann

Thanks Gayle, I'm so glad to be in the club! :) Hmm... not so sure about the half, but I did find the Boston and London marathon runners oh so insipiring, so never say never..

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