Drove to a nearby reservoir this morning for a run. My other half came along and did a bit of walk/running as well, but I was on week 8 run 2. I forgot to start Mapmyrun until I had been running for a few minutes so the distance for the 28 minutes was never going to be right. Anyway, I did the 28 minutes and carried on. And on. And on. Until the Mapmyrun lady said I had done 5K. It was ridiculously slow at about 10 minutes a kilometre but even my husband agreed that I was performing a running motion so I am going to call it running 5k. in fact it was a bit more due to not starting the app when I started running. Yay! Maybe I could do a Parkrun soon - right at the back of course! The promised storm never materialised and we now have brilliant sunshine in Cornwall.
Slowest 5k ever - but it's all mine: Drove to a... - Couch to 5K
Slowest 5k ever - but it's all mine

Brilliant to have done 5k at whatever speed! I graduated last week but have still not run a full 5k. Walked one yesterday just to check out a route and plan to run it tomorrow. I am expecting it to take at least 45 mins because I am a bit of a tortoise but who cares! Well done.

Fantastic achievement on reaching 5k. That's an amazing run. Well done

I have participated in several 5ks but have not fully run one. I do my final run with Laura tomorrow and feel confident that I ca fully run the 5k I booked for November.

It took me 45 minutes to complete my first 5k. So far I've only reduced that to 40 minutes. The main thing is you are running

You've done great - you can definitely claim that 5k as your very own!
Good luck with the rest of your runs

Well done, that is some achievement! It should also give you a confidence boost for the rest of your pre-graduation runs as well.

well done
Yep - that's yours to claim... doesn't matter how long it took - you RAN 5K... Well done!
It's some milestone that one - enjoy the glow!

Thanks everyone, it is a great boost to have people respond who have been there done that (and some, I am told even have the t-shirt!)
Yay you! Fabulous! And you haven't even finished the programme yet! You're a proper runner! Xx

Hey a 5k is a 5k! Well done.....we're not all gone usain bolt or a Olympic marathon runner....but we run that's the point and whether a 5k takes 20 minutes or an hour it's a 5k and that's what's important.