5x50 Tips: Firstly i just wanted to say how... - Couch to 5K

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5x50 Tips

TJFlute profile image
13 Replies

Firstly i just wanted to say how excited I am that I have completed day 60 today!!

I don't know why but I'm more thrilled with this than when I got to the magic 50?! I think that ten days ago the thought of doing another 50 seemed daunting, and I was tired from the journey home,after the holiday, but now it seems manageable and I'm excited again :)

I have stuck to mainly swimming this week, partly to rest my knees, but also because I have found that it fits in between work and collecting my daughter from school really well.

So everyone has done over two weeks now, nearly three, and it starts to get tough to fit it into lifestyle and it seems that there is still a long way to go. So I have a few tips :)

I'm sure that most of them are pretty obvious, but I hope that my thoughts may be of use to someone. Please feel free to add your own thoughts/tips.

+ You may have a plan for each day, but be flexible and change plans if you need to. Go with the flow!

I can't count how many times I've changed my mind on what I'm going to do because of the weather, or my mood, or family re-arranging stuff, or a sick child, or boredom. It doesn't matter, as long as something gets done.

+ Listen to your body. Don't over-do it, but also, push yourself occasionally.

I have had days when I've done a longer walk, or tried something new (like the rowing machine, or swiss ball), or ran instead of the planned walk, just to push myself and step out of the comfort zone. It helps to make the challenge more fun, rather than a chore.

+ Get your friends involved.

I have been pleasantly surprised by friends reactions and good wishes. But also, I have started asking friends to walk with me. I have found that their company makes the walks zoom by, whilst I'm busy chatting away!

+ Get the challenge done earlier in the day, if you are struggling.

Apart from this week, (when I've been swimming after work), I have found that doing the challenge early in the day has helped to set up the day and I have been less tired than I would imagine. It gets it over and done with so you don't have that nagging thought in the back of your mind all day.

+ Keep a bag of running kit/trainers in the car. You never know when you might just be able to squeeze in a walk or 15 minute run, (or swimming costume/towel if your local pool is en-route, as mine is)

I think that organisation like this is harder than it sounds, but really helpful with fitting the challenge into your daily life.

+ Take your garmin, if you have one, with you in the morning. Sometimes you end up walking more than you thought you would, and it all adds up! It's annoying if you end up doing a lot of walking and have to guess how much.

I have more, but will save until another day.

Keep going everyone! You're doing so well :D

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TJFlute profile image
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13 Replies
con-brio profile image

Great tips and thanks for the encouragement. Congrats on reaching day 60. :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to con-brio

Thanks. Only 40 to go :O I think you've got a great mixture of activities going on (pie chart!) so hopefully you're enjoying it :)

George42 profile image

I always wear walking shoes to work so I can fit in walks when the opportunity appears.

Time is the real problem for me, and it just takes bad weather to make fitting it in at lunch time impossible.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to George42

I noticed that you mentioned you had got off the bus early to get in a walk. That was a great idea. Are you down as 'George' on the challenge?

George42 profile image
George42Graduate in reply to TJFlute

I am


I did alright today, did a run that ended at the gym then went in to go on a bike.

First time I have been out in shorts this year, it rained - no surprise there.

SBG356 profile image

Day 60!! Amazing Theresa, you have every reason to feel proud and funny how it has given you that extra push and enthusiasm! Love the tips and agree with them all.

We are doing so well as a team and I'm so happy to be a part of it!

Sue x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to SBG356

Sue, I was so full of extra push that I gave my all today. Sitting here tired but content. Tomorrow I may not be able to get out of bed!!

sfb350 profile image

Some great tips there, Theresa. The big one for me is being flexible, more to fit around my BHs working hours than my own - his bosses don't seem to like keeping him informed so it gets frustratingly unpredictable. My if-all-else-fails back up is to hop on to my cross trainer for a quick 5k but I much prefer to get outside and run or cycle.

Congratulations on 60 days ! I have to admit, I'm getting quite obsessive about this and thinking of extending my own challenge to 100 days, then maybe to Forever !

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to sfb350

I was surprised at the flexibility needed because I'm a great one for mapping out a plan and sticking to it at all costs. i soon learnt that, if you work and/or have a family, it's not going to be that simple!

Obesessive?! Well, you may go far....

Anniemurph profile image

You're doing so well, Theresa! Great tips to encourage others as well. Although I'm not doing the challenge, two of them particularly resonated with me - listen to your body and be flexible with your planning. There's still a fair way to go on this challenge and I so want everyone to get to the end intact!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Anniemurph

Thank you for your support :) I'll be glad to get to the end in one piece, as I'm sure everyone will be. 'listen to your body' is easier said than done, don't you think? Especially as most of us are compartively new to exercising, this is a new concept to master!

rockchick69 profile image

These are great tips Theresa....especially the one about having your kit with you at all times. I will definately start doing this from Monday :) Keep going special lady you're an inspiration to us all :-D

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to rockchick69

That is SO kind and thank you so much for your support :) Having kit with you is tricky on the washing, but really worth it :)

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