5x50 challenge: reporting from Sydney - Couch to 5K

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5x50 challenge: reporting from Sydney

TJFlute profile image
15 Replies

5x50 challenge


34 5k run

35 5k walk

36 60 min personal trainer

37 10k walk

38 30 min swim

39 5k walk

40 5k walk

41 8k walk

So the 5x50 challenge starts today for real!! and it makes day 42 for me. I did the airport walk as promised last Sunday and when I arrived in Sydney on Monday I went straight to Balmoral beach with my friend who we're staying with and joined in with her hours training which was surreal. One minute in dark and cold England and the next on a beach in 28 degrees doing press ups! There were groups of ladies training all over the beach, it seems to be what they do here.

It has been really easy to keep up the challenge whilst here because we are doing a lot of walking whilst sight seeing. The 10k walk on Tuesday was done with a group of mums from my friends school, and they walk every Tuesday apparently, so I will join them again next week. I have attached a photo of us taken in the middle of the walk, I'm on the left and you can see the other mums in the background.

Yesterday, apart from the walking I also climbed up 535 steps to get to a Barrenjoey lighthouse and saw amazing views of Palm beach.

My calfs are aching but otherwise no injuries. I am going on a run in a minute so I'm hoping I'll be ok.

Are there more doing the challenge now? Good luck to all that are starting. I haven't had chance to get on a computer until now so i have a bit of catching up to do!

i forgot to say, everyone here is super fit and lean. There are joggers and walkers on every street in this area (Mosman)

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TJFlute profile image
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15 Replies
Malcy profile image

Wow - I knew you would find Sydney a great place but you seem to have gone non-stop! Just last night I was talking to my family about how you were doing a 5K walk during your stop over at Changi airport so, believe it or not, you are in our thoughts back here.

Keep up the good work and please keep the blogs coming TJ. It's peculiar but reading your post today made me feel a bit closer to my son who is down there. He's in Adelaide rather than Sydney, but Oz is so far away, the difference seems immaterial.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Malcy

That's so kind Malcy! We had a shorter stop than expected at Changi, so as soon as I finshed the walk I was back on the plane! I love it here and don't want to come home! Your son is very lucky to live here :)

PeaBea profile image

Fantastic. I am about to do my first 5x50 session though I am still dithering whether to go for a run or go geocaching instead. I shall make my mind up when I finish my coffee!!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to PeaBea

I'm not sure what geocaching is; sounds interesting though! have fun with your 5x50 challenge.

PeaBea profile image
PeaBeaGraduate in reply to TJFlute

Geocaching is long walks looking for tupperware boxes in the middle of nowhere!!!

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to PeaBea


SBG356 profile image

Sounds absolutely fantastic Theresa! Wow! To have super fit people around would really inspire you to keep active and fit too; we need a good dose of that culture over here but then we need an even bigger dose of their weather to help us get out too! :) Exercising on the beach in groups sounds like real fun! It's great that your friend is fit too to help keep up the challenge. Guess what, we have 55 in our team now, how good is that?! )D

I'm off for a run soon for day 1 and it actually lovely and sunny but very cold!! Brrrrrr....

Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

Sue x

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to SBG356

55 is amazing! Good luck with the start of your challenge Sue, and don't forget to get the tape measure out and record everything.

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to TJFlute

Oh yes, everything has been measured, weighed and noted! ;)

Oldgirl profile image

Sounds wonderful JT, keep up the good work. Don't forget to drink, drink and drink - water that is :)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Oldgirl

I had to run holding a bottle of water today, which I've never done in England! Our day is just coming to a close and wine has been consumed; I shall sleep well!

That sounds absolutely fantastic, all except the 535 steps :-) a least there was a great view to reward you.

Started today with a 7.5K run amd not to forget 0.6 wam down walk, forgot to record warm up walk.

Logged it on 5x50 but have no idea how to view it once input.

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to

Great to hear from you Phil! The steps were ok at the time, but I couldn't move much this morning! I always include the warmup and cool down walk on the 5x50 challenge; it all counts towards the activity for the day, after all. I agree about the problem with viewing after you've inputted. I can't see mine either. Let me know if you work out how to do this.


Poppy2010 profile image

Wow, TJ, your trip sounds superb, good weather, good company and great views (even if they are after hundreds of steps!) and I am in awe of your 42 days already completed!

I have been out and done my first 5x50 run; 5.45km in 45 minutes which was ok for me; my right calf tightened up about halfway through (felt a bit crampy) so I stretched and carried on to the end, but it felt worse walking into the house so I am now sat with it elevated and a pack of peas attached (kindly brought to me by my grandson who is fascinated and happy playing Dr); hope it feels ok later for the planned family dogwalk after dinner, not to mention the next 49 days of the challenge! :-(

I logged my run on 5x50 but cannot see it either (did it again so may well have to delete an entry when it does appear!) :-)

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to Poppy2010

I hope it feels better now, try to take it easy tomorrow, perhaps a gentle swim or something. Don't forget that your dogwalk can count, sometimes I do a 2k dog walk and a 3k short run or something similar. I think that the site has had teething issues with the logged runs not showing up on our profiles. It may be sorted now. Good luck with the rest of the challenge :)

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