Mixed feelings about this week. This is the week things really do get serious.
I'm worried that this is the week I shall fail. All runs have been so good so far. No giving up. No rain (for which I profusely apologise - I have no idea how I got away with that today!) and no real issues to report.
Couldn't wait to get started today. I had looked at the plan and saw the programme for Week 5, Run 1 and, having done the same amount of time last week, thought. "that's ok, I can to that". And do it I did
Think I could probably manage an extra minute, maybe two. But three?! And then there's Week 5 Run 3. Twenty minutes? Pardon?! I must have heard that wrong. Haven't I?
I think I need to have words with Laura and ask her what she was thinking. That's just silly. Or at least impossible Isn't it?