Have had asthma and a chest infection since January - the cold weather is a pain for anyone who suffers asthma but this year has been the worst ever for me. I've been power walking for 3 years now with really good speeds achieved but took the C25 challenge up mid January as I needed to up my game a notch. Had got up to week 4 but have had to stop on Docs advice. Decided to go back to the beginning so had a go at week / run 1 today but had to stop 3/4 of the way through as breathing was really laboured. I feel a bit pee'd off but I know I can do it and when the warmer weather comes back (or should that say IF !) I will start over. In the meantime I will keep on with the walking and yoga. Any other asthma sufferers experiencing similar problems?
Cold Weather and Asthma - anyone else having p... - Couch to 5K
Cold Weather and Asthma - anyone else having problems?

Hi Blackers I'm asthmatic and struggle in the cold weather. I use both inhalers before I go out (when I remember them which I didn't to my cost this morning) also take my blue one for back up if I need it. I run first thing in the day about 8.00am in winter and as early as 6.30 in the summer. I bought a buff at the start of this winter and it really helped if I covered my nose and mouth for the first 15 minutes until my tubes had got used to the cold air. I then slid it down around my neck which was great for keeping out the cold too.
I know some people just don't and can't get to grips with the bitter cold air in the winter months and refrain from outdoor running and take to a treadmill, some stop running and power walk like you have been doing. Both will help to maintain the fitness already achieved. I wish you luck and with luck at least the better days are ahead of us for you to try again.
One thing I have found is not to run too fast too soon but build up to a steady speed that way your breathing will be easier it will also help you to relax into a comfortable stride. Goo dluck and I hope this will have helped a bit.

I too am asthmatic and the cold air really troubles me. I make sure I take my inhaler before I start and start off slow. It takes me about ten minutes or so of running to get my breathing under control, then I can increase my speed. I also stick to the treadmill in the garage as the cold air ain't quite as bad out there

I don't have asthma but I really don't like this very cold weather. My muscles never seem to warm up and I find myself walking quite a lot. Roll on Spring - surely it must be just over the horizon?

I'm not an asthmatic - but I've really struggled after a nasty virus and bronchitis which have ended up with me having both types of inhalers! What really helps me is going out with my head and face covered - one of those tubular buffy type things with a bit of it over my mouth.
Even once I'm hot enough to uncover my head - i often keep it up round my mouth - so the air going in is a bit warmer. And on days when it's so cold a slight incline tipped me over the edge I would just walk for a minute then keep going.
I'm now better - but it's given me renewed admiration for any asthmatic who manages to get out there. Spring is on the way so don't give up

My asthma has been well under control for ages, no need to take puffers - until this cold weather when I'm having to take salbutamol in the night, let alone when running. I take two puffs before my run and take the inhaler with me for a top up puff half way. That seems to do the trick.

Yeah i now this cold weather is not doing my asthma any good