Morning all. Is it likely that the 5 x 50 challenge will be on again next year? I would love to join you guys this year, but am undecided whether it's the right thing to do at the moment. (I'm still recovering from completing c25k!)
5 x 50 challenge: Morning all. Is it likely... - Couch to 5K
5 x 50 challenge

I'm sure it will be petal. Last year's one was Sept through to Oct for Sports Relief so dont know if they will do another around the same time this year; if so you could enter that. Who knows, some of us nutters may do it again too so am sure you will get loads of support!!
I wasnt ready to do it last year as it was just when I graduated too so fully understand where you are coming from.
We would love your support and encouragement though and that is just as important as taking part for me!
Cute! Maybe we should have team shirts made-up with NUTTERS on them! I do believe we are completely insane when I actually sat down and figured our mileage for the week if we stick to walking/running.
I KNOW!! My trick is not to convert to miles as that would freak me out.....I still cant really get my head around distance in kilometers so by keeping it in that unit I dont really get a sense of how much distance I am covering! Ignorance is bliss dont they say?!
But now of course I have gone and checked...............GULP!! Oh well, no backing out now....but then of course I wont be covering 5k every day, some days will be 30 mins of exercise to soften the blow I hope!!
Miles...kilometers...both scare me! Now, figure a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day for 50 days! We are nutters!! On top of that, you just challenged the big guys!
I suspect Greenlegs might be first in the queue if there was a t-shirt!!! lol (sorry Greenlegs but just read your blog about your latest purchase.)
Last year I did it all running, walking or cycling. My total distance for the 50 days was 543 km (337 miles) - all travelling, ie no stationary bike or treadmill.
Hubby pointed out that is I'd set off from home I'd have been running around the Yorkshire Dales in my last few days. Then he added that he would have given me the train fare back!
Just to clarify for those who don't know, this is starting from Inverness.
Awesome achievement swanscot!!!! I remember reading some of your comments last year and feeling so not worthy or capable to participate. I still can't believe I signed up.
Agreed - I certainly won't be doing the distances that swanscot did! I added up my distance this week (including the warm-up and cool-down walking) and it came to 15 miles, from 4 x 30 min runs and one hour-long walk. Which is much healthier than zero miles, and not an impossible amount of effort.
Swanscot, I've just realised that means you did an average of 10km a day?! Some of it cycling, I suppose, but my goodness, that was a lot! Maybe this year you can get from Yorkshire down to the south coast?! And finish with a virtual swim in the Channel?

I think they changed the date to earlier in the year because Sept/Oct involved dark evenings.
Yes, do cheer us on - you might even find you get caught up in the enthusiasm later on! When it was first mentioned on here I didn't think I could possibly join in, but I'm really excited about it now, and hoping that it will help me to get into the habit of being active every day.
Off at a slight tangent - there's a useful article here about 'how to fail at habits' - it helped me to see why this programme works so well to change the habit of being inactive.
The suggestion that trying to change too much at once is likely to lead to failure sounds sensible. Good old 'slow and steady' wins again!
Thanks greenlegs. I was so tempted to join in, but will wait for now. I actually do lots of activity anyway, swimming once a week and walking with doggie, so it wouldn't have been too difficult. But somehow I think I'd like to look for some other form of activity, maybe getting a new bike and use 5 x 50 to motivate doing something new as I am apt to give up once I can do something....
Staying motivated to run is going to be hard. I went for an evening run last night while my daughter was at swimming club, but felt like it was hanging over me all day. It was good though as it snowed and was a novelty running on pavement. How do you stay motivated??
With ref to the habits article. Interesting, the keeping it a secret was me all over. Now my family knows, my husband has not commented much, just a wry smile! My daughter wants to come with me......
Forming new habits takes time, so I'm hoping that having spent nearly 10 weeks getting into running I will stick with it.
How do I stay motivated? I think you're right, it's variety that is the key. It helps that I work part-time, so have plenty of time to fit it in. And mostly I really enjoy it, because I keep finding something a bit different - new route, different weather, changing the pace, success at being a tiny bit faster... , success from going a bit slower!, and now I've got my garmin with heart-rate monitor, I've got another toy to play with! Sometimes though, maybe it's just a day when I'm too tired, and that's ok too, I just need to do something gentler.
Actually the 5x50 challenge has really motivated me to do more than just the running, and the idea that so many others are doing it too really helps. I don't have a dog, so for a long time, going out for a walk was a bit of a hurdle (I felt like a fraud, on the local dog circuit because I didn't have a dog - how weird is that!) I really like feeling healthier too - that's a pretty strong motivation when I don't feel so keen.
Over the course of doing c25k, and with loads of reading and thinking, I have changed my ways of thinking fairly significantly - from being very self-critical and negative, to being able to pick out where I'm starting to be self-defeating and turn it round. It has made a huge difference.
More motivation ideas here:
Reading the zenhabits takes me back 25 years ago when I read many motivational and self-help books. Taking up the running has meant time for myself again, rather than for the family, (my youngest is 9 years old), and that's why I kept it secret and felt guilty about it. I know I will enjoy reading more of zenhabits. 'If you ask the questions then the answers will come!' Thanks.

I bet it will continue on petal! I, like Sue, did not feel capable of joining last year and completely blew it off. This year I really wasn't interested and still questioned my ability. After reading more about it and understanding I can do other forms of exercise besides running, I decided to go for it! We would love to have you on our team! If you decide not to join in this year, we will appreciate you as a virtual cheerleader!!