blunty, ive had a particularly crap day at work.
hassle, hassle and more bloody hassle and nothing to bloody show for it except a headache, stress rash all over my chest and face and two chocolate bars consumed!! (not had a choccie bar in 3 weeks so im gutted ive had two as Im really trying to cut down).
so, despite being of two minds whether or not to go out tonight because Ive got one of my lovely nephews over to stay and we're having pizza....... after work im bloody well getting me trainers on, plugging Laura in and tackling run 2 of week 5!! Grrrrr!
unless I end up in the pub afterwards, I'll let you know how I get on
ps - i will be wearing clothes when I go out, not just trainers. unless i decide to get myself locked up. hmmmm.... that will give me a break from work ........