Going away for a long weekend to visit a friend who's just had a baby. Can't decide whether to run when I'm there. If I don't I'll feel behind my schedule and rubbish. But it seems a bit daft to lug running kit all that way for one run, and I'm supposed to be there to help not to have a holiday. What do the rest of you do when you're away from home?
Running away from home?: Going away for a long... - Couch to 5K
Running away from home?

A holiday?? Lugging your kit?? Actually sounds like you dont want to do it
One 30 mins or so run is not going to take anything away from helping your friend and I think it would be really nice to run somewhere new. I have not had that opportunity yet but would love to! It will make the time go faster too being in a new environment and then you wont feel "rubbish" either......helping out a friend and keeping up the running; win win in my book!

Go for it! I've done quite a few runs now away from home & I think they are the runs I've enjoyed most. I've just packed my stuff & worked out where to run once I got there. I'm sure your friend wont mind, at most you'll only be out for 40 minutes so its no big deal. As SBG356 says its a win win situation.

If your friends baby is anything like mine were (4 of them including twins), he/she will be totally knackered and will be having a long lie (some hopes) after a disturbed night , or maybe a sneaky nap during the day. I guess if you slipped out then, your absence won't be noticed.
I love running in a new location & I'm sure you will too. If you're worried about carrying a lot, you really only need to take your shoes. For travelling, stuff your top in the left one and your bottom(!) in the other. On the run, wear yesterday's undies (:->) So your total kit = the space of a pair of shoes. Go for it, enjoy the new surroundings and let us know how you get on.

As Malcy says, your kit will not take up much space (especially if you improvise with your undies!) and running shoes are pretty lightweight if carrying your stuff on public transport.
I love running in new places although I've only had the chance to do so a few times so far (and maybe again this weekend), so I'd say go for it!
Let me get this straight...so what your recommending is to run around in just your running shoes and undies in a new place you've never been to before. Sounds fantastic!!

Thanks for the (unanimous) advice folks. Ok I'm sitting at the airport my carry on bag has almost nothing in it but my pyjamas and my enormous trainers. I'm committed!

I ran when I was at home in Ireland for Christmas, that wasn't too much of a problem as I put a bag in the hold, however we're off to Nice next month and while I'd love to run, I'm not sure I will find room in hand luggage for my size 14's. Other kit will take up next to no space, it's the shoes that give me pause for thought.
I'll probably not decide until I pack.
Hi Fingers (been wanting to call you that)
How about wearing the running shoes on the plane and sticking a pair of flip flops in your bag for the beach?

Bare foot running pm the beech? For fingers in Nice not me this weekend in Devon obviously

On that should be not pm. Blame the Argentinian red