Fifty shades of grey....: To those of you who... - Couch to 5K

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Fifty shades of grey....

ForrestGrump profile image
8 Replies

To those of you who opened this blog out of curiosity expecting some sort of link to a certain ladies literary best seller, I apologise. For the title is simply a reference to the colour changes on my grey t-shirts as I completed week 2! It felt great to work hard and see the results as I finished the last of the W2 runs.

This week there are only two things I want to share..1. Confidence and 2. New Recruits


I used to drive home from work and come off the motorway to a roundabout. It is at this point that I would have to make a decision. Exit 1 to the gym or exit 3 towards home. I often went went round the large roundabout 2 sometimes 3 times before making an excuse and heading off at exit 3....this is no longer the case. Since starting C25K there is no decision to make. I can't wait to hit exit 1 and get started. It got me thinking why the change in behaviour? My conclusion was that it is linked to confidence. The slow and steady approach from the podcasts has convinced me that it is not just achievable but achievable and fun. I can do this and enjoy it. I also had another confidence boost this week. After completing my W2R3 I was getting a drink when one of the gym staff stopped and had a chat with me. He asked if I was the runner doing the interval training on the treadmill. It turned out he had seen me finish my runs and then pat myself on the back (I do everything Laura says on the podcast and she told me to that in week 1 so I have carried on...) I was smiling at this point, he thought it was because of the pat on the back thing. It wasn' was because he had called me a runner! Until now I just thought I had been impersonating an out of control wildebeest. It was a real boost so I told him what I had been doing which brings me onto my second point.

New Recruits

Not being able to hide my excitement means that it has become a topic of conversation both in the office and at home. I have told plenty of people about C25K and a few have started W1. One of those is Mrs Grump. She is loving it and having her involved means that we can support each other and share the feeling of tired satisfaction once we have nailed a run. I have also shared the podcast and link with my elder brother in the USA (he is shorter than me so I am going to refer to him as Forrest Stump.) He loves his running and has just completed Tough Mudder..a sort of mad assault course... Historically the competitive brother thing would of kicked in and I would of tried to find something to better him. Not this time, this is just for me. Slow and steady with small incremental goals and I will do this is what I keep reminding myself.

Bring on week 3. I can't wait for those 3 minute runs!

Forrest Grump

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ForrestGrump profile image
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8 Replies
greenlegs profile image

Great blog - I really enjoyed reading it. :)

Jeddahpm profile image

Hahaha.....Made me laugh out loud! In and amongst the humour I see the growth you are experiencing and it's wonderful, well done to you! This thing really changes your life and it's great to hear you are enjoying it so much.

My other half started a few weeks after me (he doesn't blog) and we are training with a friend of ours for a 10k. I started running mid November so you never know what you might be doing his time in a few months!

Enjoy week 3 and thanks so much for a great blog :)

Beth5 profile image

Well done on getting through Week 2, I was meant to finish Week 2 on Friday but a niggle in the calf made me stop and finish at a walk. I've had 2 days rest to will venture back onto the treadmill tomorrow and hopefully complete Week 2 and progress into Week 3 and those oh-so-scary 3 minute runs! Congratulations again and I look forward to hearing the next chapter of your C25K adventure!

Finally profile image

Fantastic post....smiling all the way through! Well done you...I just did W3R1 and feel on top of the world even though I'm a bit of a crinkly....keep enjoying :)

rolphie2 profile image

Wow brilliant post and great running, fantastic. It is amazing how this programme changes us not just improving our running (mine was non existent before I started) good luck with week 3 :-)

NinaPWA profile image

I laughed to myself because of your nickname....forrest Grump. I love that!! And I hear you about the joy in being called a Runner. Read my profile up top to see why it was silly of me to sign up for this group. I signed up not even thinking about my damned spiral fracture!! For me, the name of the community should be walker2couch2driveway!!

Anyway, I enjoyed the hurmor....keep up the good work. and remember to go slowly!

all the best, Nina

Fingalo profile image

Enjoyed that Grumpy, and amid all humour it's clear you have a passion for it.

I too am a bit of an evangelist re this programme, I've friends in work who I'm convinced are avoiding me when I go for a break as once I start about it, I'm waxing lyrical. And I've lost count of the number of times I've emailed a link for it to folk.

vixiej profile image

fabulous blog, thanks. It's great that you feel so passionate about it and really lovely to hear someone call you a runner :-)

I have to stop myself from evangelising too much, I know I get over the top about it, but the programme is amazing and it's helping so many people in so many ways.

Keep up the running and good luck to Mrs Gump too, what a great thing to share

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