Well I ran my first run on Sunday this week and felt quite emotional as the first run began. The sun was just burning through some clouds and it was not too chilly, I could not believe I was going out on a run...... Me...... Running!!! Excitement aside I was huffing and puffing through just the second minute of running and immediately I had some negative thoughts pop into my head (I'm too unfit for this, I'm breathing too hard, running isn't my thing etc) I know a lot of this is going to be a mind game for me but I really am struggling to breath and feel like I am going slower than if I were to walk?? Never the less, it's my second run tomorrow and I actually can't wait.... Lets see how long the enthusiasm lasts out for. As I run I keep telling myself my mantra.... "I'm doing this for my kids, I'm doing this for my kids" x
W1 R1 - So glad I have started this! - Couch to 5K
W1 R1 - So glad I have started this!

Well done on completing your first run. Mind games are key to doing this -at times you might think that running is not for you but it is as you proved today. Don't worry about the speed and instead just go at a steady pace to ensure you can complete each run - I am just about to start w8 and snails overtake me on a regular basis!!! Lol
Thanks PeaBea, did you ever just get the feeling like you we're doing it wrong? Lol. I guess the whole running thing is still pretty alien to me and my body does not like being out of its comfort zone
Congratulations on successfully taking a step towards 5K. Don't worry, it's completely natural to feel puffed out if you're not used to exercise but I'm sure at a point in your run you were smiling because you decided on your own, you could do it. I hope that you stick at it and know that there are a great bunch of people on here who are willing to help you no matter what problems you will face. -Paul
Hi mad, welcome to C25K, i hope you enjoy it. You will have bad days as well as good days, we all do. Stick with it as it will get better. Enjoy, Ed x

You just have to keep going...now that you have started, especially if you are doing it for your kids.....
Great good luck. Take it slow and steady and remember no one is watching, do whatever feels right for you...I've discovered various degrees of slow but it is all bound to help.
I'm just three runs ahead of you and already feel considerably better.
You've done the hardest bit, you've started.

yes, yes, yes! It is all in the mind. Well, a lot of it anyway. And in going really slowly when you need to,with little steps (like most of the time). I timed my runs today (got a fancy garmin thing for christmas and I love gadgets) - my walking near the beginning was faster than my running at the end. And it was all SLOW. But I have not given up, and I love it too - have never considered that I might run before in my life (over 50). It's all weird and wonderful - keep going!
You are all so supportive and lovely, I have such admiration for you for doing it yourself and having such positivity to share with others... Thanks (just finished 2nd run..... Blogging now)