Unlike the rest of the die-hards on this forum I did my first run since just before Christmas (shame and hangs head). Anyway, I had been meaning to go for the last couple of days but today got out of bed and ready for a run. W7R1 was beckoning and I was dreading it - 25 minutes of juffling ahead of me. Not many about on the Camel Trail today and even the rain had stopped. The first ten minutes were fine but by 15 minutes my breathing sounded like the government had rationed air and my quota was about to run out. When I was on the last five minutes I was red-faced, hot, legs aching and gasping for air but I knew that I would finish the full 25 minutes regardless of how many snails overtook me: and I did. So back on track and aiming to keep it that way. Happy New Year everyone and enjoy your running.
Back on track.: Unlike the rest of the die-hards... - Couch to 5K
Back on track.

Well done PeaBea and no need to feel shame; you haven't abandoned it, just had a little respite during a busy time of year....It's good to be out again though isn't it even if it was a struggle and you still completed it which is great!
Best of luck for your next run. Sue

Welcome back PeaBea!!!! I bet you feel great getting back on track again! Wishing you a fantastic 2013! Gayle

Welcome back, Pea!! It was wonderful to see your name pop up again!!!
Shameful head hanging???? No way!!! It is the Holidays!!! Thanksgiving, Christmas, Life...there are so many things that demand our time and attention right now!! So lift that head right back up where it belongs!!
Brilliant the way that you pushed through this run!! It is so much easier to give in and stop and save it for another day, especially after a long break!! Look at you though, you pushed on and completed every single minute of it!! Well done!! We do need to speak to the government about this air rationing though, it seems that I have been feeling it also!!!
Welcome back and Keep Running!!
Brilliant, glad your back on track.
Well done - doesn't it feel good to be running again?