Back in the game…..: My last blog was to report... - Couch to 5K

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Back in the game…..

SBG356 profile image
12 Replies

My last blog was to report that I was out of action due to a bad back so I haven’t run for 10 days and believe me that has felt like an absolute age even though I know some here have been out of action for a lot longer. My first break from running since starting the programme and I have been sooooo desperate to get out there again…….

I haven’t been at work in all that time and because I couldn’t really move or bend or drive anywhere I have been going stir crazy and if my back had allowed me to climb the walls then I would have done so a multitude of times! Plus I haven’t been able to do any form of exercise so I have felt lazy and unfit, having just been sitting on my a**e for so long, drinking gallons of tea and munching on mountains of biscuits!! So come Friday, my first pain-free day, I couldn’t wait to venture out into the big wide world, aiming for a gentle 20 min run to break me back into it slowly and as I was still off work this was done in daylight which was a bonus.

It was the first outing for my new GPS watch too and so after a 15 min warm up with stretches indoors I set off at a leisurely pace. The first 5 mins, as usual, were all about getting my breathing right and at one point I actually thought it wasn’t going to come together and I would have to turn back but it soon settled down and so I just carried on. I pounded the pavements to do a circular route back to home and did have to stop twice which I was disappointed about but overall it went ok – 18 mins and 2.75km in total.

Just a little niggle with the back but no aches and pains in the legs so I decided to go out again this morning and what a beautiful, sunny morning it was – who could resist running in these conditions! I was going to head for the park and do some laps but I do find it so boring so instead took a different route round the streets for some variety and managed a 23 min run over 3.5k and with just one stop so a bit of a slower pace but I was aware of my still fragile back so didn’t want to push it.

I am just so happy to be back in the game, feeling a bit fitter and enjoying the lovely couple of crisp, bright mornings – just me in my bubble with my music. The next one will be back in the dark after work – no music but my bright pink jacket to cheer me up instead!

Thanks to all of you who have been asking after me – you are fab! This site and this running lark are flippin’ fantastic…….! x

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SBG356 profile image
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12 Replies
thinnerandfitter profile image

Hello and welcome back!

I saw that you have been out of action - isn't anything back or neck related just the worst pain! I'm so pleased you're feeling well enough to run again now.

It sounds like you're easing back into it really well - you do need to take it easy but still 18 mins and 23 mins are really great. Be careful with your next run in the dark - don't want you tripping over anything (which I know I'd do).... maybe I should be more adventurous but I'm sticking to mornings for now!

Isn't this site great? Such wonderful encouragement. I'm overwhelmed by the messages I've seen today and now need to pay some of it back..

SBG356 profile image

Thanks T&F! Believe me if I could do morning runs I would but I really dont have the time to do it before the commute to work so evenings it is.... I have only done one before the back trouble started but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be but yes, you do have to watch your step thats for sure! Sue x

runningwild profile image

Great to hear Sue, glad it was worth the wait! I'm chomping at the bit but not long now I reckon.

Susie x


SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to runningwild

Thanks Susie! It's awful isnt it, waiting to get running again. Who would have thought it?? I hope it's not too long for you now. Sx

gdeann profile image

So happy the back is cooporating and you are back to running again! Just in time to use some of your new toys! You mentioned ordering buffs the other day so I researched and decided I NEEDED one on my Christmas list! :-) In deciding on a few choices, I am more confused then ever! Do I get slim fit, UV protection, bug guard, wool etc???? ;-) I will be wearing it more in the colder temps. I also made a fashion decision regarding this new running deal. I am going to purchase all of my base wear in black or grey and then accent with shorts/tops accessories in my bright pinks, purples etc. :-) I went through all of this with Steve today but I think he found it all very uninteresting. Imagine that! ;-) I hope you have a pain-free next run and stay safe in the dark! Gayle

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to gdeann

Thanks Gayle! Aaahhh, running fashion, now where do we start??!! I got the original buff in the end and glad I didnt go for the slim fit as this one was quite snug when worn over my head (or I have a big head - dont answer that!!) but was nice round the neck. The material is quite thin, I suppose like running top material but I'm not sure if I would want anything thicker than this as I dont like being too hot and constricted. Saying that, the weather hasnt dropped to zero yet so my thoughts on this could very well change if I brave running in such temperatures - or I will just have to buy another!!! There, problem solved.....

Your decision re colour co-ordinating sounds ideal and pretty much the same as me though a couple of my capri's have pink or purple flashes so of course I have to match the top accordingly! Now, as for Steve not being interested - I will have to have a quiet word.......


smhall profile image

Welcome back, my friend!! It is wonderful to hear that your return went well!! I would spend more time welcoming you back, but appears that my lovely wife wishes to monopolize your time with Buff talk!! :-)

I do have to thank you for the Garmin 110 information!! It appears that Gayle and I both have one making their way to us via the United States Postal Service!! They are scheduled to arrive on Friday!! That just happens to be perfect timing!! We can charge them and become just familiar enough with them to put them to good use on Saturday for our next organized run!!

Oh my, it appears that Gayle and I both hijacked your wonderful return to running just to talk about shopping! If memory serves me correctly though, you are a bit of a shopper also, so maybe you won't mind the sidetracked conversation at all!!

Again, welcome back!! I am happy that your runs have gone so well. Keep an eye on that back and most of all...(I have had to wait a week to say this to you...)



SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to smhall

Thanks so much Steve, it's good to be back!!

Wow, another organized run; cant wait to read about this one.... I wonder if it will have the same array of characters as the last though I'm sure you will manage to find a spandex clad female somewhere to pace yourself against, or should that be behind(!) even if you dont find a Pinky or Bigfoot equivalent......!!

Ooooh, pressie time; Christmas has come early in the Hall household! Enjoy playing with your new toy and putting it to good use at the run. I am wondering if Gayle got the same one as me - grey with PINK on it?! You know Steve, it is soooo important that all our gear matches and co-ordinates colourwise as it makes us run soooo much better and I know your good wife was trying to get that across to you; you really should show more of an interest you know!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry though if my blogs are getting you both to part with your hard-earned cash but hey, what are friends for??!! I am very happy to be talking about shopping as long as its running related which all of mine at the moment seems to be....its costing me a small fortune!

Anyway, thanks again Steve and I have missed your sign off so am very pleased to be the recipient of it once again.....!


smhall profile image
smhallGraduate in reply to SBG356

Yes Sue, this will be our third organized 5K in just under a month!! I think we snuck our second run in and it was so uneventful that we didn't even blog about it. I say uneventful, but that isn't completely true...Gayle took 1.5 minutes off of her best time and set a new personal best for herself!!

We are both very excited about our new Garmins!! I have to thank you for those...we hadn't even considered such a thing until you mentioned it!! Now, I don't know how we have lived without them!! Gayle most certainly did go with the grey one with the pink stripe!!

No worries about your blogs influencing our hard-earned cash. Gayle and I have a perfect understanding of how we handle money. I make it...she spends it!! :-) If I behave myself then sometimes she even spends some of it on me!! As Gayle mentioned, we thought running would be inexpensive!! :-) No way!! We need it all!!!!

Now, onto this business that my lovely wife has been feeding you about me not being interested in her needs in running gear!! I believe that she failed to mention that I pay sooooooo much attention that this weekend as we prepared to go for a run she decided she needed a different jacket to make her run faster. Guess what good ol' Steve had already bought her for Christmas and had stashed away!! Just the jacket she wanted, you say? NO, NO, NO...not one jacket, but TWO!! So I entered her Christmas stash and appeared with TWO jackets for her to choose from!! :-) Now, I I pay attention or not????? :-)

Keep Running...and shopping!! :-)


P.S. The spandex-clad ladies are only important to me because of their incredible....uhmmmm, incredible pacing! Yep, that's it....pacing!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! :-)

gdeann profile image

:-) :-) Original Buff it to choose a color!! :-) Of course I went with the grey accented with the pink stripe, there really was no decision. ;-) Yes! I agree! This running business is getting expensive! My reasoning in starting the program was, running is free and so much cheaper than a gym membership. Little did I know I would be swayed to the darkside of trainers, Buffs, compressionwear, gadgets and toys...oh my!!! ;-) Lets not even get into the expense of an organized 5K run!!!! On a funny note, the 5K this weekend ends up in our town and only a few blocks from us. In fact, we will run on the route right past our home!! Now, the same route we could do for free, we are now spending $50 to run it!!! :-) at least the money goes to charity! :-)

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to gdeann

Hahaha!! Paying to run your usual route - that is funny!! But yes, all for a good cause. Have fun! Sx

gdeann profile image

I meant grey/pink on the watch. I still need to decide on a Buff color to tell Santa!

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