I came back from a great run, did my cool-down walk, got into the car to drive home - and could hardly get out of the car at the other end. My right hip was agony. The pain is on the very outside of my hip, just where my wrist joint falls if I stand up straight with my arms down by my sides.
A bit of information about the run itself. I covered about 4.5 miles, but I didn't run all of it - probably only around 2.5 or 3 miles was running, with the rest walking or stopping to take photos It's more or less flat, with good trail underfoot. I have good trainers for my over-pronation, I was well rested, well-hydrated etc etc etc. I didn't notice any problems during the run/walk itself, and I didn't slip or trip that I noticed.
I was almost immobile the rest of that day, comfortable when lying down but hobbling again the next day. Three days later and I can still feel it twingeing.
My friends are coming up next week and we plan to run together - we all started c25k back in April and we all graduated in August/September. We have run together throughout the programme, one in Cormwall, one in Cambridgeshire and me in Derbyshire, and now we can all run together in person. I desperately need this hip pain to go away! Any ideas out there, please?