I am now once again on W7R1 i startred this programme in may and because of periods of injury have never progressed this far- however last night it was a struggle to go to the gym i have to run on a treadmill because of back problems - I've downloaded albums by Queen which i think is great running music i time my runs to watch cooking programms or listen to the Archers or i take laura along. I know it's only nine runs to go - the running is easy up to 20 minutes but then i get board ....what am i doing wrong?? i have loved the programme so far but if my husband hadn't nagged last night i wouldn't have gone! yes the weight loss, fitness level, change of shape and feeling great are all fantasic but i've lost my mojo- Whats the answer??
need motivation please!: I am now once again on... - Couch to 5K
need motivation please!

Perhaps it is one step - or run - at a time? Rather than thinking of where you are in the plan or how many runs to go - think only of today's run as a single, stand alone, limited experience event.
Sort of like - today for one day only you can - run to your favourite album, or to a playlist that your husband has made for you and you don't know which song is next, or perhaps use shuffle on your ipod. Hopefully the opportunity to run becomes the reward
You can get past this - everyone has times when they lose motivation - or think about doing something else - and you can overcome this - keep going - it will be so worth the reward
Good luck

I agree with Goldstar, don't look too far ahead in the programme. Also, don't be afraid to take an extra rest day or repeat a run if it would help you feel more positive about your great progress. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're getting stronger everyday. I ran on a treadmill today for the first time ever and frankly it was soooo boring! The time dragged along, the music and telly was dire ( it was in our local sports centre). I don't know how you tread millers do it! As far as missing mojo is concerned, I find looking at running gear and planning a wee shopping trip works wonders! Lidl, Aldi and SportsDirect have some gear at very reasonable prices. Good luck with your progress!

I feel just the same and I'm at the same point as you. Looking back over the blogs we're not alone - lots of folk have found wk 7 a battle and have struggled with lack of mojo. I don't think the weather and darkness helps either! It all makes it more of an achievement when we do put on the trainers and persevere - you can do it!

I feel just the same and I'm at the same point as you. Looking back over the blogs we're not alone - lots of folk have found wk 7 a battle and have struggled with lack of mojo. I don't think the weather and darkness helps either! It all makes it more of an achievement when we do put on the trainers and persevere - you can do it!

Redface woman and Fittervic, I am in the same position too
I finished wk 6 a week ago today and really enjoyed that run, but for some reason I haven't been able to get off this blimmin' couch again. I've got lots of excuses (lack of childcare, disrupted sleep from poorly baby, etc, etc), but I know that earlier in the program I would have found a way to get out the door
Do you think it's cos we are nearly there? I can almost see myself as a "proper" runner, but somehow I can"t quite imagine it....I haven't been a fit person since my teens and I can't seem to believe I can be again now
Let's get out the door and get week 7 done, hopefully it'll be easier after that!!

You've come so far and achieved so much. Be proud of what you've done and use that to inspire you to keep going. Yes, it is a bit of an effort to put your trainers on some days and I dont think I'll ever be a natural born runner but what you are doing is great so dont stop now. You arent in competition with anyone other than yourself so set small, personal goals and dont give up.

Hi. I'm another week 7 "lost my mojo" and should have done wk7r3 on Monday and still not done it. Have a communal "kick up the backside" and lets do it together.

Ok. I've cleared the fridge, tidied out the veg. cupboard and kitchen is still a mess. I could still find another load of excuses but now have to work out where to run where I won't run out of streetlights. Tried that before and imagine 'chariots of fire knees up running' so I didn't trip up over the tree roots. It would have been funny to watch if it hadn't been so dark. The challenge is there now so no excuses. Going to change for my run now so I'll let you know. Good luck to you too. 'Would send you a lovely smiley face if I knew how to do it.

I've just finished week 7 woohooo and its all thanks to YOU redfacewoman. There was no way I was going out tonight but I do hope we did it together. I found a route which has all streetlights and did two circuits so "It's dark" is nolonger an excuse. Suffered stitch on second half but wasn't too bad otherwise.
As to your original question Lost my mojo What's the answer. I think we have it...do it together. ( I sound like that awful advert where he says he wants to be together..ugh) You'd better have gone to the gym though!!!

yay well done you I came home from work did the veg walked the dog and because of you Thomasina I went off to the gym and actually ran 4.46k in 28 minutes ....EAT MY SHORTS! and it was down to you so cheers here's to friday night ....thanks xxx