Just wondering if the lovely Laura has done a B210K podcast at all or does anyone know of something just as good with all the motivation and music....
Does Laura do a B210K podcasts at all ? - Couch to 5K
Does Laura do a B210K podcasts at all ?

Esahaz14 and I have been investigating and eshaz14 has got further than I. Apparently if you google B210K then you get a link. Just to say I haven't tried it yet, but will do after posts read. Let's hope it works.
Other than that apparently the lovely Laura has done all the pods on stepping stones, stamina and speed, so have downloaded those for Monday pinkus.
I also have the printout of Swanscot that you sent me, so whatever plan works, I will do. Let's hope we can find B210
Yep-it's there! Not got time to listen to it, so not sure if Laura pinkus, but the pod and downloads come up

I'm interested in going to 10k. I found a link through googling but it was a podcast that looked like it'll take an hour to download. Do you have a link to the one you've seen? What's this printout? Any help gratefully received. I'm following Speed and Stamina for now but will need to move on at some stage if I'm going to get to 10k.

TRy this link posed by anystev. I have not tried it yet but may do so in a few weeks after trying out the c25k+ podast. dl.dropbox.com/u/55081822/B... got all the podcasts though the file are big.