Week 6: Have completed two of the 3 runs for... - Couch to 5K

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Week 6

pinkus profile image
14 Replies

Have completed two of the 3 runs for Week 6, going to do 3rd run tommorrow morning bright and early I hope !! Was it just me or did anyone else find it a bit difficult for this week, the first run was not too bad but the 2nd one where we had two blocks of 10minute running was a bit difficult and I dont know why..it should have been easy peasy. I was ok on the first 10minutes but on the 2nd lot I found it was tough for a bit I kept on waiting for Laura to chime in and say only 1 minute to go but she was nowhere to be heard and then finally....Very worried about the final run for this week which is in the morning, so wish me luck just hope I can do it....hope everybody has had a good week...will report on final run tommorrow when its done and dusted. (hopefully !!)

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pinkus profile image
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14 Replies
Crafting_girl profile image

I feel exactly the same about week 6. I was really quite happy about run 1, but I struggled with run 2 yesterday morning. I wanted to stop half way through the second 10 minutes - that's never happened before! Like you, I'm pretty worried about the 25 minute run, but I'm hoping that yesterday's misery is just a 'feature' of the plan and everything will be OK for the final run of the week. Looking forward to comparing notes tomorrow :-)

pinkus profile image
pinkusGraduate in reply to Crafting_girl

Hiya Crafting-girl how did you go with your final run for Week 6...I have been thinking of you, hoping you went well. Please let me know how you are.....pinkus xx

pinkus profile image

Yeah I just checked the time and I have to run for 25 minutes....boy o boy I just hope I can do it...its freaking me out a bit....to be honest.....I dont understand why the running time was less on the first two runs of week 6, and then the final run is 25 minutes long....please explain....anyone !!!

gew03 profile image

I am running the second run of week 6 tomorrow and I am struggling to see how Im going to run the 25 mins in the 3rd run, someone said to me today failing to prepare is preparing to fail (I dont know how I refrained from retorting something rude!) 25 mins seems like a huge ask from what appeared to be a more relaxed 1st run in week 6. I hope you both complete your 25mins and feel great! Report back please :)

pinkus profile image
pinkusGraduate in reply to gew03

Hi grew03 please try not to overthink this as that was my mistake....I kept on thinking 25 minutes is a l o o o n g time but you know what I did it...I just had to re think it and concentrate on different things...and pace myself that was very important, remember as Laura says you can do this afterall you have trained yourself for it, it was really a mental thing for me as I am sure it may be for you too...i am no spring chicken....so go out and enjoy it, please let me know how you go...I will be thinking of you xx

doggymum profile image

You CAN do it, and you WILL do it. If you have trusted the programme so far there is no reason to doubt your ability now, honest!!

Look at the 25 minute run as a slight variation of the week 6 run 2, tell yourself, run 3 is 2 lots of 10 minutes running with a shorter block of 5 minutes running inbetween. These longer runs are as much about the mental battle as the physical, sometimes we have to try and trick our brain and think about things in a different way :)

As long as you pace yourself, you will be fine. You can always slow down if you need to (or if you have enrgy at the end you can speed up, I know this wasn't an option for me!)

Good luck for your run ~ keep us posted.

smhall profile image
smhallGraduate in reply to doggymum

Absolutely brilliant!!!

smhall profile image

doggymum is absolutely correct!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

I personally found W6 to be the most difficult of the program and I know that others have posted the same. I think that after the W5R3 20 minute run, I thought I was the God of All Things Running!! The return to intervals in W6 humbled me more than I can say!! Everytime that I was able to get into my "groove," it was time to walk. Then, I would have to start all over with the running again. I thought to myself..."JUST LET ME RUN!!" It is those little pesky intervals that teach our bodies about recovering from runs and how to recover while we run. They are the necessary evils of the program.

YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You have progressed from the couch to being able to run for 20 minutes!!! The program works...trust it. Moreover, TRUST YOURSELF!!!

Keep Running!!


pinkus profile image

Well Well Well....what can i say : I DID IT !!!! Thanks so much for all your support & words of encouragement it means the world to me...I truly mean it, you are all my mates ..and I need you !! xxx I had a shocking nights sleep if you could call it that....tossing and turning all night thinking of 25 minutes....just could not let it go....hubby up early 6am so I got up too and got myself ready, lubed up, stretches, etc then set off and didnt think about it anymore just focused on Laura, thought that would be a smart move so I set off and first block of time down, I actually live on a peninsular and so I run down to the harbour and turn around and run back again... well I literally ran all the way down in 12 1/2 minutes I think Laura said, anyway I was surprised at how far I managed to get (made a mental note...huh maybe this is do-able...) and so time to turn around and get back, I just stayed so focused and tried to look ahead on the horizon as I tend to look down at the white bicycle line and stare at that for some reason, I just kept focusing on blocks of points to run to while trying to relax and listen to the music and waiting on Laura of course, and eventually I got to the end of the session and I must say for me it was more of a mental block than anything else, oh and pace.(thanks doggymum) I always always have to make a mental note of pacing myself so I can make it to the end because this is important for me... to finish to the end, and I did it....came home and did my stretches, now talking to you guys, tried to get my groove thing happening, got it a few times but could not keep it, kept loosing it somewhere...hahaha, Yes smhall (steve) when I completed the 20m run in week 5 I too thought I was pretty good, "yeah got this down pat I thought"...."piece of cake" felt very smug with myself....bit too over confident me thinks..last week bought me back down to earth thankfully, I can see how the interval running is good for us thankyou xx Thankyou to everyone who supported me this week just have to trust in Laura which I do but just get a bit freaked out in between...Have a great day I know I will...going to go and have a nice coffee now to treat myself... xxx

doggymum profile image
doggymumGraduate in reply to pinkus

WAY TO GO ~ well done pinkus :D

Good luck for week 7 (although I'm sure you won't need it!)

gew03 profile image

Great news! I'm so pleased it went well :D I will be thinking of you when I do mine! Keep us posted and enjoy a well earned cuppa xx

Crafting_girl profile image

Awesome, pinkus! I'm sooooo pleased you did it!

I went out for w6r3 this morning. Cloudy, but there was a bit of sun in the sky, so I decided to head out on the pavements, and not go to the gym. 5 min warm up walk done and the weather's still fine. Happy days. Then it started raining at about 3 or 4 minutes in. 'Keep going, it's only a bit of rain'. Then the hail started and lasted for about half of the run... Ugh!

But, I did it, and it was great! I looked HIDEOUS when I got home and it took me ages to thaw out in the shower, but I feel fab.

Look at us - we're actually runners!

What a brilliant plan and what great support from everyone! Thank you :-)

pinkus profile image
pinkusGraduate in reply to Crafting_girl

Oh Crafting_girl I am soooo pleased for you......thats fantastic....you must be beaming....I know I was....I was actually clapping my hands as I read your post...I had butterflies in my tummy....How good were you to keep going in the Hail.....a true runner...!! Yes this plan is brilliant cause of people like you, keep up the excellent work. Look forward to hearing more from you in the coming weeks. xx

pinkus profile image
pinkusGraduate in reply to Crafting_girl

Hey Crafting_girl....how are you going with W7....was just thinking bout you as I have just completed my final run for W7 this morning and started wondering how you went. Hope it all went well for you, let me know. xx

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