Hi there! I've never written a blog on here before, but have answered a few bloggers queries, so some people may or may not recognise me
I graduated from C25K last October and have since done a few Parkruns. Today however I entered my first 10k run. It was a really good experience and thoroughly enjoyable. It was a 4 lap event and a 5k run was being held at the same time. About 380 people started out on both runs, so the first lap was quite 'busy'. Fortunately I finished the second lap before the elite 5k runners started to come in (it gives me a boost to know I haven't been lapped by them!!).
So that just left us 10k runners to do another two laps. Well I'd tagged onto this guy who was running at my pace so I continued to run side-by-side with him - with some of the elite 10k runners now starting to lap us. At the end of the third lap I was glad I only had one more lap to do. There was a 'hill' at the end of the lap, which each time I ran up it I was glad I managed to keep running.
Then came the fourth lap. It was by now a bit thin on the ground with lack of runners, but there were still some within sight - in front and behind. Well my 'guy' slipped ahead of me at the start of the fourth lap but I managed to catch him up and we continued to run together until the last 1km when he forged ahead of me, or was it that I slowed down? Anyway, that hill appeared again and this time I decided to give in and walk some of it (not a lot, just a bit of it ). I looked round to see if anybody was behind me and saw a lady in the distance who I thought I recognised from my local Parkrun and thought I can't let her catch me up, so off I went again. The finish line was now in sight and my guy was just finishing, a final sprint (hee hee - a slightly faster run, it's amazing how the crowds can encourage you) and I was finished. I hadn't even stopped running when I was handed a medal and certificate! My time was 1 hour 8 mins (although I'm still waiting for the official time). There were runners still coming in about 10 mins after I had finished. The course was mainly on gravel paths around a country park, but about a 1km of it was on roads. Weather was mild, sunny intervals with a south-westerly wind (which was a little unhelpful at the start of each lap!).
I would encourage anyone thinking of doing a 10k to do it. It's the next step up and quite do-able.