This has been an extremely difficult week for me in many ways. I'm tired, I'm fighting cold/allergy problems, the gremlins are telling me in my mind I can't do this...the list goes on and on. I ran #2 of week 6 last night and it was even worse then the #1 run. I am so ready to get out of this week and move on. Other than weeks 1 and 2 starting out, this is my least favorite week. All of the other weeks, each run I could see and feel a marked improvement. After running a full 20 last week and now going into week 6, I feel like a huge rubber-band that was pulled tight and then let go, I'm not feeling that improvement, I feel like I am not anymore improved then starting week 5. I know it is far from the truth, but those gremlins are telling me so. Last night i kept telling myself over and over: You can do this! You are a runner! One foot in front of the other! Then thanking God I have the health, determination and the strength to continue on with this journey. I kept going and finished but I honestly don't know how much more I could of done, this combined with 23 mile an hour wind with 40 mile an hour gusts. We have run 3 tomorrow night and I am hoping and praying it goes so much better since its a solid run. On a HUGE positive note: I AM IN WEEK 6 WHICH I NEVER DREAMED I COULD DO!!! This 49 year old housewife will be "jetting" past all those 20 somethings one of these days!
W6R2 FINISHED! THANK GOODNESS! I am so read... - Couch to 5K
W6R2 FINISHED! THANK GOODNESS! I am so ready to move on to week 7!!

Yes you will jdeann, you WILL be jetting past all those 20 somethings. I think a lot of people, myself included, found week 6 hard. Getting past the twenty mins in Wk5R3 seems like a huge hurdle, and I know that there are some less determined people who drop out then, but I am sure you aren't going to do that!
Just keep on keeping on, and take it slow and easy, better to finish slow than drop out going too fast. I've been running for a year and going out too fast will still kick me hard if I don't watch out. It's all about pacing.
Good luck with wk7 - you are a RUNNER remember??!

Can I just say congratulations for completing the run despite feeling under the weather. You are improving all the time and don't you forget that!
you can do it!!!!

You can do it, like Laura says, it's as much about the mental challenge as the physical (though that's not to underestimate how achey our legs get and how breathless we become!). You have come a long way in a short time - just think, 6 weeks ago you (probably) struggled to keep running for 60 seconds and now you have proved you can run for 20 minutes and will prove that you can do 25 mins. Just take it steady and save the fast pace for next week, if you want to go a bit faster!
Good luck. You can do this!
"...23 mile an hour wind with 40 mile an hour gusts..." I'm amazed anyone can run at all in those conditions. I was worrying about a mild breeze the other day.
Maybe it's the moon phase or something (I don't really believe that) but there's something a foot, pah, excuse the pun but it does feel like a weird week.
You'll get there, you really will, a blow for the oldies if that's what we are

wow this could be me talking! 49 year old who never thought I'd get to week 6 BUT Week 6 run 3 has defeated me. I have tried it 6 times (yes 6) and get worse each run! How is this possible? I feel like giving up for the first time. But we've got this far, who'd have thought it? and as you say 'one of these days...'

Thank you for the kind comments, its true, when one stops and looks at our progress, we should be proud of ourselves! I went from not running and needing to walk some of my 1 minutes to attempting week 6 run 3 later today. Skandia, i wish you well!!!! I think #7 will be the charm for you!!!! We can both then start week 7 together! Yes, its true Chewy. I live in one of the windiest States in the U.S. Our average wind is 13.9 an hour and it is common, most every day to have periods of moderate winds averaging 35-40 and hour. We try to wait to run evening hours when usually the wind dies down a bit.