W2R1 tonight. Mostly went ok but by the last run I was flagging. Just about managed it but felt really sick afterwards. I'd eaten at least 4 hours earlier - surely that was long enough for the meal to be digested? Or was I simply asking my unfit overweight body to do too much?
Is it normal to feel sick?: W2R1 tonight... - Couch to 5K
Is it normal to feel sick?

I suspect its just a sign you worked hard and should be worn as a badge of honour!
If its good enough for Galen Rupp after the Olympic 10k its good enough for us

feeling sick is a sign that you over-did it, but it's ealy days yet and you should feel better as you get ftter. However, it's uncomfortable to feel sick so go really slowly. Make your walk brisk enough to be just short of a trot and your run just a little faster. Short, fast steps are better than strides and make your route as flat as you can. Trying to tackle hills will make you feel worse. Hope you feel better very soon

It probably means you've tried too hard. Be kind to yourself and slow down a little. An important part of this program is learning to pace yourself. I usually have a banana 60-90 minutes before a run and that should be plenty of time to digest it. Better luck next time !
Yes, perfectly normal! I often feel sick in the last 3/4 minutes of a run at times when the plan takes me up a stage (e.g. the step up between weeks 3 and 4, which was a particular struggle for me). The good news is, however, this will probably go away as your body learns to cope with longer periods of running. It did for me! Good luck, hope the sickness goes away for you soon

I had 2 runs early on in the program that I had run well-but then at the end felt violently sick and ended up wretching outside someones house. Luckily not sick, but I bet I didnt look too good! Havent had it since-but need to do C25K+ now. Good luck and it should pass soon.

Yup, it means you've been pushing hard. As you get used to the programme, and as long as you're not mega over doing it, it should get better as you get fitter. I can remember one time around week 4 or 5 battling up a slight but long incline and just as I got to the end of the timed run, I bent over and nearly heaved up all over my shoes...I was just outside the police station too! Glad I managed to hold it down, could have been a tricky one!