I graduated 5 weeks ago and have done the couch to 5K+ podcasts but missed the more formal structure of a plan. I looked at B210K a few weeks ago and thought it looked too hard but today decided to give it a go, even if I repeated each week several times, I was looking forwards to a new plan to follow. So I'd psyched myself up for 4x10min runs with a 1min walk inbetween each, knew I'd find it tough but thought it would be manageable with my stubborn streak pushing me along, but 18 minutes into it I got the most excruciating pain towards the bottom of my left calf and had to stop. Not sure if it's cramp or a pulled muscle, but tried running again after 15 minutes of walking and couldn't manage it. I know everyone says you have to expect an injury at some point that sets you back, but I DON'T WANT ONE she says, stamping her foot - the right uninjured one. Guess I'll have to rest up and try again in a couple of days
Really cross with myself ... well, with my lef... - Couch to 5K
Really cross with myself ... well, with my left leg to be specific :(

I can fully empathise with you- I'm off running at the mo with my back and it's so damn frustrating!
Hope your leg feels better quickly- try to give it enough time ( I need to listen to this too!)
I was just wondering if to try again tomorrow (knowing that I really shouldn't) so I'm glad you wrote, because I'll definitely take note not try again too soon. Sorry to hear about your back - I've also had back pain, knee pain and two dodgy ankles due to sprains so am starting to wonder if I'm not cut out for running...!

I've wondered that too! The physio reassured me today tho - she told me to be kind to myself
I really hoped that doing some regular exercise would help! To be fair I already had the back and knee problems, and the two sprained ankles were a result of me falling out of the front door for one and the back door for the other, so my own stupidity! Sober, I think I'd better add. Hope that the physio helps your back and that you're soon running again

Hello sofaqueen, sorry to hear about your leg - I have the same rubbish going on in my right calf muscle. I initially hurt it over a week ago but have since tried to run on it twice (yes, yes, I know I shouldn't have...) and it just 'pinged' again about 10-15 mins into both runs. So please don't rush back in too early and definitely don't run if it still feels not quite right. Oh, it's SO boring though...
Ouch! Sorry to hear that, it sounds really painful. I've not had this pain before, it suddenly came out of nowhere. Just below my main chunky calf muscle and it started tingling and then very quickly became too painful to run on it. At first I thought it was cramp but as it's still hurting now I think it's a pulled muscle. It's been a few days since I've run and I was really looking forward to it and was so disappointed. I'll listen to your advice though and rest it until it feels ok again - any idea if there's anything that can be done to speed it up? Hope you manage to rest yours and that it heals soon.

Does it hurt most when you go downstairs? The Interweb in all its wisdom tells me it's a calf strain. I don't know if there's anything to speed up the recovery - just rest and gentle stretches? I've never done anything like this before either! Do you do any core strength training alongside the running? I'm ashamed to say I haven't been, but beginning to think it might be a good idea...
Yes it does, I was thinking about coming downstairs on my bottom yesterday evening as I thought if I was walking down them pegleggedly (not sure that's a word) then I might fall and damage something else. It felt a bit better coming down the stairs this morning but I think you're right, gentle stretches and some other training on non-running days would be good. I suppose because when doing Couch to 5K I didn't do anything else, and just used the five minute was as the warm up and everything was fine, then I've just carried on the same but perhaps like you say, it would be a good idea to think about something else. Thanks again for your advice.

Oh that sounds like me I had an ouch in my left shin ten days ago couldn't run/ walk on my heel so ran yes ran on my toes only five k so thought I was being good then the swelling boy did it swell and kept me awake at night but the swelling made me go to A&E result a fractured tibia so for the last five days I've been in a full length cast which I shall be in for weeks now heed my warning seek medical advise .... To my you laugh I'ma NURSE and teach first aid for a living !

I feel your frustration! I've had to take a break because I get pain in my shoulder when I run which I keep thinking shouldn't really affect running but tried to power through last Thursday and am now in a lot of pain. When I started C25k this time last year, I never thought I'd miss running! Make sure you're fully recovered before you go out again otherwise I think you'll regret it.
I know you're right and that I'll need to be patient, but it's not really a word in my vocabulary. My leg feels a bit better today and I've found the thought of running this evening popping into my head a few times today but I'm going to give it a few days of proper rest and try some stretches. Unusual for you to have shoulder pain whilst running, do you think it could be a back problem which is giving you referred pain? I hope you get to the root of it and get back to your running soon.