I know the weight has been creeping up on me over the last few years, but It all started yesterday, when I stood on the weighing scales and cried. The scales said 144 pounds (I'm 5'2") which is the heaviest I've ever been even when carrying my three children. I was 108 pounds the day I got married which was 32 years ago last week and the reality check hit be like a slap with a wet fish.
I gave up coffee yesterday (regular, 1 sugar, goatsmilk) and starved myself for most of the day - plain chicken on the bbq, 5 baby potatoes roasted with a drizzle of olive oil, handful of salad leaves without dressing, 2 slices of homemade bread with heavily salted butter (yikes) washed down with water...sure I've lost a pound already....
Got up this morning..same weight...more crying...slight headache...glass of water. For breakfast, 2 shredded wheat and 3/4 pints of goatsmilk as usual, did a bit of knitting, was catching up with twitter....and EUREKA!!! someone thought this website COUCH TO 5K could be "do-able". So I clicked on the link hopeful to find the answer to my prayers.
11.15 am I downloaded the 13 step programme, by 11.20 I was doing circuits around my kitchen and dining room, in my shorts vest & crocs (not a good look but better than the standard dressing gown uniform for that time of day) followed by my panting but loving-it 18 year old collie. The walking was fine (swung my arms a bit) and the first few runs were fine (had to dodge the dog which I thought might help the thighs a bit), then I thought ok this is getting serious. Rather red in the face by the last trot, love Laura to bits (my new best friend) and cooled down - taking Laura's advice I drank a large glass of water & 4 rather sad looking strawberries (no banans in the house) and looking forward to Wednesday already.
After about 10 mins I realised I had quite a headache coming on...could be the lack of coffee...so I had a little nap...ate 3 dry cream crackers and succumbed to a cup of coffee (half a sugar, goatsmilk) - maybe cutting down from around 6 cups a day to nothing was too much in one go...
Headache went within 5 mins, 3 o'clock now, soooo looking forward to Wednesday....
to be continued...