Woop! Woop! Just finished W5R3 - NEVER thought I'd manage to run for a whole 20 minutes (albeit very, very, very slowly). All the positive messages here and the lovely Laura are such brilliant motivation. If I can do this, a totally unfit, totally unsporty 50-something, anyone can. Yipee!
W5R3 Can't believe I did It!: Woop! Woop! Just... - Couch to 5K
W5R3 Can't believe I did It!

Hurrah for you, well done !

isn't it great to get this one under your belt? well done, big smiley face for you!
Well done, that's fantastic!!

woo hoo. Enjoy the feeling!

Well done! Congrats! And good luck with week 6!
Keep at it, and remember is not about speed, you're running, that's what matters. The speed will come (at least that's what I keep getting told! )
I just did it too, and feel the same as you! It's amazing isn't it? I'm on a complete high now and intend to stay that way all weekend!

Congratulations! Isn't it amazing what you are capable of! Continue on this fantastic program as we look forward to seeing your graduation badge.
That's brilliant - well done!
It's great having Laura telling you when to stop as you don't have the painful ordeal of clock watching - once when clock watching for a 10 minute run I thought time had actually stood still!
Thanks, everyone! Still on a high and haven't stopped smiling!

Congrats from a fellow "mature" running convert x