Hi it's my first post but reading all your blogs and all the advice on here has got me here , I started on w1 gasping almost to colas state , so I read all the advice and suffeled along slow slow then even slower , and by doing that have managed to get to 20 mins very slow jog , probably fast walk speed , but brilliant for me !! My partner juke is looking forward to me getting fitter I think .
W5r3 I can't believe I did it: Hi it's my first... - Couch to 5K
W5r3 I can't believe I did it

Welcome aboard Julie , good to have you here !
Well done on the 20 minutes ! It is a major milestone in the programme and a fantastic achievement .
Love the photo Ha ha , that is just so typical of dogs isn't it ?
Keep posting now youre here, and all the best for the rest of the programme xxx

Hi Julie! Very well done to you completing Week 5!! Sounds like you're doing brilliantly, so no advice needed - just keep at it and do keep us informed with how you are getting on!

Hi Julie - well done! I also completed this run tonight, it was a bit of a killer, wasn't it. Juke looks like a wonderful running partner, unlike my lapdog who won't run for anything lol

Fantastic. Well done. This forum is amazing for the inspiring journeys and motivation isn't it? And that is one GORGEOUS dog you have there!
Lovely to have you here!!! Very well done to you for completing Week 5 its no easy task, but you have done it!!
Thank you ,, it's defiantly been a struggle at times , and teaching juke to heal and not sniff at bins and lamp posts ext was very tricky lol but for anyone thinking they can't do it we have proved slowly is the way , looking forward to week 6 now (I think ) ! I've been reading and a lot of people have found it difficult ,,,, so again it's the slow approach xx

Well done us...I did my w5 r3 today as well and its the greatest feeling ever...keep it up.

Hi, Julie and welcome to the space - they're really great here and very welcoming - as you say lots of advice - which us newbie runners really, really need - well done on getting to that magical 20 mins - I remember it so well - and like you, my first 'run' lasted all of 40 seconds before I felt like I'd die or throw up - or both haha! Keep on running sista xxx

Hi Julie 'n Juke,
Twenty! you reached the magic twenty, what a great job💫💫💫
This forum is a safe place to share your running journey.
Looking forward to hearing about your next run