Run two, yesterday, was arduous, but interesting.
I was all prepared for a run in cool weather. Inhaler, Longish yoga pants, extremely heavy-duty sports bra, lighter supportive tank top over that, hoodie, double-ply socks, my cheapo MP3 player and my good running shoes.
It started to drizzle, then rain, then sleet. I considered skipping the run, but would not have had enough time to finish run 3 this week with rest days otherwise. So J and I strapped in, synced our audio and got moving.
Canada is really cold. Even in mid-April. We got soaking wet, and snow started coming down with the sleet. We slogged through puddles, and I started wheezing and coughing again.
Asthma really stinks. My inhaler didn't seem to help. I guess I need to use it more regularly to get the benefits, so I am going to try using it every day.
This is my second run ever, and I think it is novelty and fear of failure that is keeping me going so far. By the end of the run (which seemed to hurt every bit as much as the first, although I might have been moving a bit faster than my "slightly bouncy walk-run"), we were drenched and very, very cold. Snow was clinging to our shoulders, while rain dripped through my hoodie and pants. When we finished and went inside, we just threw all our clothes in the wash, leaving a puddle of water with every step, and jumped into a nice hot shower.
I was amazed to look in the mirror on the way to the shower and see bright red skin everywhere that had been exposed to the air. And I laughed to feel the hot water hit my head and turn really cold by the time it flowed down to my feet!
Then something seriously strange happened: I started itching. Extremely badly, like hives or something. The water droplets from the shower made it worse. It was so bizarre. As I warmed up, it eventually went away (thank goodness). Does anyone know what might cause that?
One thing I am grateful for, besides simply surviving two runs, is that my legs seem to be holding out. My lungs are the weakest link. Considering my previous reliance on a cane, this surprised me. My knees are a little sore, but not too terrible. I may start taping them for stability.
A final observation: last night at dinner with friends, I found myself talking about "my run", feeling all self-important and virtuous. Funny how quickly I am taking credit for running 60 seconds at a time! I guess it is good to feel I am accomplishing something. At some point, I really will be "going for a run".