Got to week 7 run 1, so have done 2 lots of 25 mins. However, it was really hard work and I felt very overwhelmed. Had a few days away, and I think the thought of running in a much hillier area had really put me off my stroke. I managed a 15 mins run whilst away, but coming back yesterday decided to go back to week 6 and try again. I did a 10 min run tonight (had forgotten my ipod so didn't have the podcast) and felt ok, so the plan is to rest tomorrow and then start week 6 run 1 again. I'm not convinced I ever want to run for 30 mins, perhaps I would rather run then walk then run again. Have decided to try and graduate first, don''t want to feel unwell and put myself off running altogether. will see how it goes!
big steps backwards!: Got to week 7 run 1, so... - Couch to 5K
big steps backwards!

everyone has bad days Jennyn and they do knock your confidence temporarily. I didn't get through the first 25 minutes of w6r3, I needed the intervals big time! in between that run and re-doing it, I went to London to visit my mum in hospital. As I was walking over London Bridge, I noticed two women running towards me. They were carrying on some kind of conversation, and looked comfortable in their stride. I admired them and secretly hoped one day I could manage that, but the biggest thing I took from them was their pace. It was really quite slow but very regular.I really took that on board when I re-did the wk6r3 that had previously knocked me for 6 and it worked You have done the 25 minutes twice so you know you can do it, but as I leant and as Laura keeps saying, keep to a steady pace and you should eventually settle into liking those longer uninterrupted runs. x

Do keep with it!
You have done well and just think how far you have come since you started.
I felt just the same at the start of week 8 and questioned whether or not I should finish or just run and walk but thanks to the support of this forum continued and now have just 2 runs to graduation
Good luck. Keep us posted.....

hi Jenny, it's ok, as you know 25 mins is blooming hard work, but you will be ok, if you could may be rethink and go for Week 7 run 1 again and not go back to beginning of week 6? - you've done that one you've done 25 mins twice already!!
put your mind somewhere else if you can, your body knows how to do it because it's done it already
first 5 is awful (laura has her own time zone lol) middle 12 - 18 ok if you zone out and last 5 are more like please let this end
I was just reading ( must stop that habit ) that the mind over body is a battle, your mind lies to you apparently, it's the mind that tries to get you to stop
run real slow, it's not pace that matters, smiling could be a good tactic as your mind doesn't know the difference between a real or fake smile it's just understands muscles use and releases endorphins

Good advice from the above peeps I think
The longer runs are more challenging, that's true. I also miss the intervals and the break they give, but my difficulty was wanting to be faster and therefore longer runs were more difficult until I realised that finishing it slowly was more important to me than not finishing because I'd worn myself out trying to be faster and knackering myself.
If you feel that going back to week 6 is best for you then do that, there's nothing wrong in repeating a week. Good luck

back to the treadmill tomorrow, think I might try to start week 7 again, but as you have all suggested, go a bit slower, although I do think that a tortoise might lap me! thanks for the posts, its very helpful and kind of you to take the time to keep me on track! will let you know how i get on!