Never imagined it would feel so good - W5R3 - Couch to 5K

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Never imagined it would feel so good - W5R3

10 Replies

Beautiful crisp morning, frost lay on the ground but the sun was already shining.

7am and off I go, W5R3!

I knew this was the 20 minute non-stop run.

I didn't map a pre-planned route, in fact it wasn't until I got to the top of the road my feet decided which way to go.

I kept a good pace and raised my head to where I was going, didn't look down or doubt myself, just kept going. And amazingly I was smiling practically all the time.

Mapped the route once home (the other 6 all still cosy and warm!) I did 1.63 miles in the 20 minute running section. Which has been my fastest pace to date, 12 minute miles :)

I feel that my whole day has been shaped by the most successful run I have done, I've been happier, more energetic and bubbling to tell people about it.

To those reading this with W5R3 to face, trust the plan, trust yourself and do you best to enjoy it.

10 Replies
Gridlet profile image

Wow! What an inspirational post! Fantastic! Well done!

Trixitrin profile image

Well done and thanks for the advice. I did week 5 run 1 today so I am two runs behind you. It's nice to hear some positive comments about run3 as it seems pretty daunting at the moment. Keep posting the progress because It really helps!

sfb350 profile image

Well done ! I really enjoyed W5R3 too, it all seemed to make sense and I think I smiled most of the time.

Minuette profile image

Smiling is good especially on week 5 run 3! :)

AliB1 profile image

:) :) These runs are the ones that make you & the rest of us keep going. Well done on achieving the 20 minutes.

Gingystrider profile image

Always good to hear a positive about the 20mins, I've got this to do on Monday, did run 2 today and was pleased with how I managed so trying to stay positive for Monday's run! I bought a new posh running top today rather than the other halfs t-shirt, hopefully that will make me more keen on going too, always like to wear new clothes even if it is for running!! :o)

kjcraig5 profile image

I just finished w5 r2. I felt like I could have done more. I just love it. I've finished every run. Next time should be interesting I'm sure but think I can do it. I've never felt better and have lost 17 pounds doing this with weight watchers. One of my coworkers has been doing this program since January and she is obese trying to get into shape. She ran in her first 5k this past weekend and finished! Amazing. Truly my inspiration.

Really great program.

Congratulations to you too.

Beckipeg profile image

Love the photo. Great encouraging post too. Well done!

fifimas profile image

Wow, well done..did week 5 run 1 today and it felt relatively easy. Looking forward to the rest of the runs now, reading your blog gives me confidence that I will be able to do it!

AnnaJ profile image

wow well done, i have just done run 1 week 5 this morning, i was initially dreading the 20 min run but am strangely excited about it now, bit like childbirth, bring it on!!!! have kept quite a steady pace throughout every week and my walking is so brisk, i dont think my running speed is far above my walking speed, but have completed them all and feeling proud. would like to have lost some weight along the way but have not managed that yet, posts like yours are an inspiration to us all, well done again, that will be me on wednesday!!!! watch this space, congratulations xx

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