Missed a run *updated* rain...pah, who cares??? - Couch to 5K

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Missed a run *updated* rain...pah, who cares???

14 Replies

<--- that is me!! (metaphorically speaking, I have neither a beard or an oversized bright red nose))

I feel crabby, grumpy and disappointed that I didn't get out for w5r2 yesterday.

Now I cannot recall a time ever before when I have felt so bad about missing an exercise session. Am I beginning to go mad?

So planned to go today, taking baby in pram and girls up park so could do a multitude of laps round the football pitch while they played. Yet looking outside there is no chance they'll be on the park equipment, is it bad to have them standing under umbrellas for half an hour while I plod up and down? Possible not if they can muck around in puddles.

It may just have to be that we don on raincoats and go anyway.

I just don't want to put back another day.

Some days I wish I could stop time, creep out for a run and then come back and carry on the day.

I need more hours in a day, or some childcare and the will power to stay awake after 10pm!

*update* rather than starting a new post thought I'd update here instead.

Got girls to put their wellies and coats on and they grabbed an umbrella each, covered youngest in her raincover and ff we set.

Warm up up to the park, brisk walking has the middle girl jogging along behind us anyway bless her.

Once at the park they go off splashing around, going down the slides!! (like a log flume I may add) and generally enjoying it. Baby slept the entire time.

Off I go round and round the football pitch, Laura says 60 seconds left so I picked up the pace for that. Brisk 5 minute walk was good but I was soaked and didnt care by then anyway. Onto the next 8 minutes, I knew I could do it, just had so what could be different? Well the grass where I'd been was slippy so literally weaved back and forth across the pitch, I seriously must look deranged doing it! But again Laura said 60 seconds so I powered through picked up my incredibly slow pace and completed the session.

I absolutely loved it. Felt myself getting redder and hotter in the last 2 minutes of run set 2 but hey a few weeks ago I was doing W1 and feeling the same.

So W5R3 next, mixed feelings about it, just hope I can get everything organised and get out :)

14 Replies
CaroB profile image

You have a baby and other children and you are managing to fit in exercise? You should feel enormously proud of yourself! You are doing brilliantly to have got this far. It has taken me till my children reached the tender age of 20, 18 and 12 years to take up running you are well ahead of the game. I am sure that keeping all your children entertained during the easter holidays involves a lot of running about any way so missing one or two sessions wont hurt you will get there in the end. Keep smiling you are doing really well!

Bxster profile image

sounds to me that a game in the rain is called for :) no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothes :)

Tapira profile image

I agree you should be proud of yourself! Half an hour of puddle jumping sounds fun for the kids.

Minuette profile image

Well if you're beginning to go mad then so am I as I think someone must have taken me over as I look forward to my runs - me who hated exercise!!

Let them muck around in the puddles while you do your thing, they'll enjoy it and so will you. I'd go for it! :)

GoogleMe profile image

I sitting here feeling all dressed up and nowhere to go and similarly frustrated. I did go and clear the car of snow and set out, but when I got closer to my usual running venue there were cars abandoned and the snow was horizontal so whilst the woods looked very beautiful I felt I had to be sensible and get the car home. I am not sure about attempting road running for the first time in very wet snow and with the dog having to be on lead.

in reply to GoogleMe

That's the thing with snow, its pretty but causes problems.

Good luck for getting out again soon, its much more important to stay safe though.

GoogleMe profile image

I went! Fortunately where I live there are lots of alleyways so in fact I did no road running at all, managed to work it so I was walking the road part. I ran round and round some playing fields where I could let the dog off (hats off to those of you who run round and round all the time). There were plenty of people about but I guess we all look pretty silly dressed for bad weather and they weren't to know that I don't run any faster than that when it isn't snowy. I did however fall over once - no major damage done but certainly wouldn't say that anyone who decided to stay in was just looking for excuses. I was certainly prepared to decide to turn back, although once I was half way through I would have been *really* cross not to make it.

I'm glad you got out too! Good luck with W5R3. I made a mistake and thought Laura would tell me I was a runner after that one and was really pissed off she didn't! (Another reason I wanted to get out there and do W6R1)

blueboots profile image

That is real dedication but sounded like fun as well and kids love splashing about anyway. I still hope the weather is a bit better next time for you. :)

shelleymcb profile image

you are truly an inspiration. I dont think I could have got organised to do that when I had kids in the buggy (3 under the age of 3 then 4 under the age of 5!) but you got them out & went for it! go girl!! hope you are girl??

how old are kiddies? they sound as if they were oblivious to your running while they played happily in the puddles & probably mud :)

good luck with run 3. shelley X

in reply to shelleymcb

Thanks Shelly, yup I'm a girl.

I've got 3 girls, 10, 5 and 10wks. They don't take much notice of me at any other time either lol

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to

oooh you wait til they hit their teens. my girls are 12,13 & 15 & you are lucky if you can get in the bathroom!

Minuette profile image

Wow that's fantastic especially the words "I absolutely loved it"!! Glad you got out and well done!! :)

Beckipeg profile image

I'm impressed too. Waited until my girls were much older before giving time for me to get fit. Wish I'd done it much earlier. Go girl, you won't regret it and your family will appreciate it too.

Katkin profile image


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