this time last year I went to the gym armed with my walkman & did my first run of C25K. it was hard, soooo hard, that first run. I got off the treadmill hot & bothered with a red face, sweating buckets & felt quite giddy (a bit like sea-sickness till I got used to the treadmill).
the most I had run prior to finding this plan was 1min40seconds. as part of joining the gym you get shown how to use the machines & it had taken me a month to get to running that & wanting to run further. after looking for a plan & finding a podcast that wasnt an app for a fancy phone, I trusted this plan as it was on the NHS site so I thought it would be safe.
week 1 done, week 2 done & I think it was about week 3 or 4 when I joined Kate1991s diary & she spurred me on as Kate was about a week ahead of me. sharing my runs & not wanting to put on there that I had failed was what I needed & it was brilliant knowing Kate could do it (even though she is younger than my eldest). week 3 was such a big personal achievement for me. running 3 minutes was the greatest feeling ~ it also made me believe that the plan might actually work week 4 was where it all fell into place when I found my "pace" & sorted my breathing out. week 5 & the mental challenge dealt with
but week 6 was horrible after feeling I was invincible. going back to intervals wasnt easy. week 7, 8 & 9, the longer I ran the redder I got & this hasnt left me unfortunately. graduated C25K on 27th May 2011.
just before Christmas CaroleC & me worked our way through B210K. first week of that plan was a nightmare. it was week 6 all over again, so I gave it 4 tries & moved on to week 2 which was hard but manageable. graduated my 10K on 22nd December 2011 & even figured out how to run & drink at the same time.
new year, new plan, again with CaroleC. currently on week 11 of a Bupa Beginners 10mile plan & have taken my running outside. yesterday I ran for an hour which is the longest outside for me. last week I ran for 84mins on the treadmill (8miles) again the most for me. & my next run is supposed to be 90mins aaarghhhh
so this is my story so far. Ive signed up for a Race for Life in July with my daughters aged 12, 13 & 15 who all now have the running bug 15 year old on week 2 & other 2 on week 6.
if I can do it (someone who hasnt run for 25 years, except after the kids or for a bus) then you can too. believe in Laura & she will get you there