Feel pretty rubbish because the last two times I ran, my calves were burning. Think I have identified it was either a silly run on rough ground or introducing skipping that made it happen. Still feel my running confidence has been knocked though, I was running pretty well for an o,d lady til then, graduated fro C25K, running a 10k every week as my long run, even did a 15k and then this! Makes me feel disappointed that I have had a setback and wondering if I can even do 5k without my legs hurting. Run day tomorrow, so I shall see
Running failure 😮: Feel pretty rubbish because... - Couch to 5K
Running failure 😮

You have done really well getting this far. I think we graduated at a similar time but I am nowhere near being able to do 10k yet. I had a problem with a burning calf which put itself right eventually. I always find if I've had a week off it really refreshes my legs so maybe you just need to rest a bit for a week or so. Just a complete break might help with recovery. It is frustrating but might make runs more pleasant. Hope something works for you soon 😊

Really sorry to hear about your calf soreness Joolie. It must feel so frustrating at the moment, so maybe if they still feel niggly tomorrow, you would benefit from a few days (or even a week😮) of rest. You have done so well to come so far with your running, pounding those trails like a good'un! I am sure with a rest and then a gradual return, you will soon be back to where you were. Fingers crossed for you. x

Come on.. you are amazing...!
You are an inspiration to me, and you will be back up there and on form really soon.
Slow, steady and just try to go very gently....Forget that disappointment in yourself... nonsense! Just think of other things, me and my weird ramblings.. that should get you through (Tee Hee) .
Believe you can.... and you will
Big hugs toox

Yes you can JoolieB.
Give yourself a break woman. You've done amazingly well. We all have off periods now & then, this is just one of your off periods.
If it helps in anyway at all I had an absolutely rubbish run today but any run is better than no run.
You will get there. You'd better or I'll be virtually kicking butt...... xx☺☺🤔

Like the others I think you probably just need a rest. Take a week off, you'll come back stronger than ever. You're such an inspiration to us all, always full of great advice and you know in your heart what you need to do! This is just a blip, your calves are sore from skipping and need a few days of recovery. A few bad runs don't mean your running days are over. I understand your frustration though and would probably be terrified myself - terrified that I wouldn't get back into running, but would just fizzle out again. And the antidote to that is this forum!

Joolie, tut tut, we don't do failure on here, you know that!!
You've picked up an injury -we all do sooner or later (me more than most!!) Sadly, an injury means patience, something we runners seem to be sadly lacking in. Honestly, the best thing you can do is rest it, oh and foam roller the hell out of it. Hope it gets better soon, Sweetie, but in the meantime, sit yourself down on the old IC and put your feet up. X

After graduation it's easy to get carried away and forget we still have to rest every now and then... 😉
Give your calves the rest they deserve and you'll be rewarded with many more kilometres to enjoy.

I think you have been overdoing it. Why not take a couple of weeks off? It'll be worth it in the long run. I bet you'll feel better for it after. And maybe ease up on the skipping??!!

Do you have a race coming up? If not, take a break till the calf has recovered. It is a painbut better in the long run. We need you back up running injury-free. You're one of my running mentors, I need you and yes, this is all about me. Have a long soak in the bath, then massage that calf. If the pain is strong and persists, you'll need to check for a muscle tear. I really hope that isn't it and I don't think it can be from your running or skipping. Give it a full week and then see what the story is. Whatever the problem is, running on it won't help it heal faster I'm afraid. Chin up you'll get it sorted and be back out running again soon.