Signed up for a 5k in a mad moment. Oopsy I ca... - Couch to 5K

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Signed up for a 5k in a mad moment. Oopsy I can't run what now?

19 Replies

After watching biggest loser finals I had a mad moment and signed up for the Race for Life in June. Something along the lines of ... if they can do it surely I can too - Whaaat??. Reality check! I am more elephant than gazelle, I can walk for miles, But me - running is not a pretty picture so I have managed to avoid it since school (and that was a lifetime ago)

This is going to be a huge personal challenge!

I love the podcasts which got me through W1R1 on Saturday without too much pain - The innocence of fresh legs :)

Feeling confident, I braved the frost for W1R2 this morning and oh boy! I connected with my shins and calves in a whole new way... Ouch.

Pretty much everything from the hips down feels stiff this evening. Roll on I W1R3 on Wednesday but I hope the legs loosen up a little before then!

19 Replies

Stretches are what you need. How many weeks do you have available to train for the 5k?

juicydee profile image

You'll be fine - 3 months is plenty especially if you've already started :-). Keep going and trust the programme - and check back in here for lots of inspiration and encouragement!

in reply to juicydee

Thanks Juicydee, I don't think I will get through it without some help. I know I would have stopped running way before the end of the last couple of 60 second sections without the podcasts so this is definitely the way to go :)

Hi SarahSpangles It's on 16 June so I have just under 13 weeks. My calves are the worst... most of the run sections this morning ended up being on slight rises which I think added to the strain .. are there any particular stretches you would recommend ?

jane29 profile image

Ive just signed up too, good luck to you. You will suprise yourself, I'm on week 7. Stick at it.

in reply to jane29

Week 7 ... well done you! sounds like a lifetime away for me LOL :)

You could try the stretches on the Cool Runnings site, as recommended by the runner who developed the C25k.

Stretches really do make a difference. As you get to know your trouble spots better (and the names of the muscles involved!) then you'll probably settle into a stretching routine with some of these and others you find on the web.

As you improve as a runner you might find the aches and pains move around a bit - I'm now noticing it in the inner thigh area (which could do with some toning, so I'm not complaining!) But yes, calves are the first stage.

in reply to

Brilliant Thanks so much :) I'll give those a bash right now!.

Thanks ladies ... feels like I'm not doing this alone. I Like :)

The best time to do the stretches is straight after a run but repeating in the evening is good and very relaxing too :) The aches and pains genuinely do get better and are evidence that your muscles have been exercised and will be changing shape because you are now running.

in reply to

Thanks so much for the link! I "ran" through all the stretches last night and then soaked my sore bits in a hot bath ... feeling on top of the world this morning and looking forward to tomorrow. It will possibly be just as painful but pffft no problem, I know how to treat this old bod now :)

mgnmum profile image

You will be fine: I was a waddling hefalump 10 weeks ago. A 15 stone 10 couch potato who couldnt run at all. Now only 10 weeks later i weigh 2 stone less ( with a bit of help from weight watchers) and can run 5k in 37 minutes!! you will be absolutely fine just keep to the programme, warm up and cool down properly, once you are running more than about 5 minutes at a time really consider having an assessment at a local running spot and get some decent shoes that suit your gait. and the aches and pains will improve

in reply to mgnmum

Hi mgnmum, Wow, well done, 2 stone and a 37min 5k!!!.

Powers that be .,.. transplant me to that spot in my life... Pretty Please :) And the reply came booming back ... "Sorry no short cuts on issue today" LOL

My old trainers have really had it so I am off to Moti in Reading this evening. They stay open until 7 and do gait analysis, so I am sure they will know what I need. I have a fairly high arch, and looking at my old trainers and reading up on lots of web sites, it seems I underpronate quite badly.

I will be packing my best "I don't care" front tonight ...The thought of 5 minutes on a treadmill in an enclosed public place, surrounded by assistants who probably can run, will surely bring out my deepest shade of red in more ways of one - Not a pretty picture, but I have to do it to get to where you are. Thanks for the inspiration:)

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to

dont worry. they only get you to run for about 30seconds-1min. not as long as 5mins in one hit!!

& looking at the video afterwards & comparing old & new shoes is well worth the visit.

good luck :)

in reply to shelleymcb

The whole experience wasn't half as bad as I had imagined - always the case isn't it! It was really interesting to see the effect different shoes have on the way your foot and ankle land. I took my pristine new pair out for a run this morning and even with an additional 15 minute walk either side of the podcast it was all trouble free so I am really chuffed :)

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to

thats great. glad they felt good. its a bit daunting the thought of having a video camera pointed at your bum!! well worth it though :)

in reply to shelleymcb

It is really worth it. I am so glad I went. After looking at the first video i felt the need to "neaten" my sock line.. as if that made any difference ! Lol ... gotta love vanity :)

snoopybing profile image

13 weeks is plenty of time to train up - you will be absolutely fine!

If you're brave enough, I find a cool shower helps my muscle aches afterwards. Doesn't have to be ice cold, but just cold enough to be refreshing.

That and stretching will do your muscles miles of good! :)

in reply to snoopybing

Thanks Snoopybing ... I had some ice packs in the freezer so I used those on my shins after this morning's run and apart from one small area they are feeling fine this evening :)

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