Well here we are in Buenos Aires but wimping out on running in the City, being somewhat geographically challenged. Anyone else have to pat their right hand to remember which is right and which is left?
This being the case I decided the run was better done on the ‘dreadmill’ just to get me going without being worried about where I was. BA is a bit like London I’m told by the hotel reception it’s easy to be in the wrong part of the Ciry just by turning off a particular street. In London I knew where those places were, it’s a little harder abroad where the architecture and street design is so beautifully different, but makes it hard to know whether you’re in a safe or unsafe place.
Running solo means like most women, safety always comes first on choice of routes. Therefore until I’m a little more confident on these blocks - the gym it is…
I say gym it’s a treadmill and cycle machine👍
Here we go adding a 5% gradient because I’m sure I read on here many years ago that doing it on the flat with the bounce of the belt can fool you when you encounter the real world streets with their ups and downs and can make it harder. As I am a street and hilly area runner Slope of Hope, Hill that Kills etc I need to keep a gradient in my runs otherwise I’ll just find my home based runs too difficult. Which if I stick to the plan means lengthier sessions so I need to keep my hilly knee and ankle strength.
How did it go - well we thumped and bumped along, not at 5% incline (4) as I found that too hard but it was 30 degrees before the aircon kicked in and humid but what a joy to be wearing shorts and not double leggings and a beanie hat!
Jo Cool doesn’t seem to be as much of a help as usual, I wonder if it’s because I’m on a treadmill and the environment isn’t changing, whereas on the roads and trails sometimes she says something that seems really appropriate or annoying depending on how and where I’m doing it and either of those spur me onl
It was harder to do for me because I really enjoy looking around on a run, and there’s no personalities around in a one person workout room.
I call it a dreadmill because there’s no place to hide and you see your stats in front of you. At the end - well you can see my stats so it makes me wonder - I worked hard I wasn’t faffing but normally my C25K routes are thereabouts 3.5 to 4Km.
As you can see although I was on my own someone clearly stole about 1.5km from me. All in all makes me think I was tiptoeing on the treadmill and therefore making no distance?
Any technical experts out there who can explain it - I spent more time outside the Physics class than in it as a child so in my case I think it was a reverse case of terminal velocity - there must be such a thing
Or is this just laziness - I feel as though I’ve worked out? Bemused of Buenos Aires..
Bit jet lagged and looking a bit haggard, but this has made my mind up. I’m going to have to dig deep in my old lady reserves, woman up and hit the mean streets of BA, because I’m sure they may have street crime but they can’t have run burglars can they?
Buenos Aires means good air so hopefully it’s a good atmosphere to run in too..
Will let you know.