Did run 2 this morning. I’ve slowed my pace for this week on the treadmill cos the runs are longer but today I felt I could go back to my normal pace but I didn’t cos I don’t want to over do it! I covered 3.39km which I’m happy with and according to my Fitbit my heart rate was slower and I spent less time in peak compared to Monday’s run. Is that a good sign? Well anyway it’s done and I’m delighted 😁
Week 4 run 2 👍🏼: Did run 2 this morning. I’ve... - Couch to 5K
Week 4 run 2 👍🏼

👍🎈 Great progress! The afterglow is the best feeling in the world!! Enjoy!

Excellent. Well done.
My stats are all over the place. I just ignore them now and focus on just doing the run as I'm told to do 😆
Never taken any notice of them before but I specifically checked today as someone had mentioned their distance the other day and I wanted to see if I was kinda the same which I was. Yeah I’m happy with the progress so it’s all good ☺️

Well done you, I've just managed w4r2 this morning after a night shift. The first run was a killer and I nearly gave up but kept going. The final run actually felt easier and dare I say I may have managed a bit further. I covered 3.5km so glad that's about right as worry I might be jogging to slow . Keep me updated as we are on same runs now 😊