So my first run is completed although I'm not sure if I can call it a first run or not. I didn't finish work until 8 and hubby said there was no way I was going out running on my own in the dark. So I drove to the gym and did it on the treadmill. Walking speed of 5. 5 mph and the run at 6.8 with an incline of 1 ( I read that somewhere?) It was hard and I huff and puffed, sweated and had wobberly legs at the end of it but I'm home now and feel fantastic for giving it a good go....can I count this as a run or does it have to be on the street?
Is Treadmill running a real run?: So my first... - Couch to 5K
Is Treadmill running a real run?

A run is a run. Well done for going to the gym after work.
I did my first 3 weeks on the treadmill. Then decided to hit the pavements as I got fed up looking at the garage wall, let alone all the junk that was in there.

A run is a run and well done for doing it 👍

It's a run, well done for starting.

It is a run..very well done 😊

A run on a treadmill is a run and counts, and smells of gym.
A run outside is a run and counts, and smells of outside.
Well done for starting. Please post here regularly so that we can provide motivation and encouragement.
Lots of people do all their running indoors on a treadmill. That includes a lot of athletes. Just because you are not saying "hello clouds, hello sky", it doesn't mean your legs and lungs are not working every bit as hard.

There are some different challenges to running on a treadmill. It's not 'easier' if that's what you were wondering.
I've been on a treadmill once and if I never have a reason to use one again I'll be a happy woman and I am always rather sorry if someone never runs outside (or offroad for that matter) because it adds a whole 'nother layer of benefit given that we are more than legs and lungs (a lot to be said for "Hello clouds, hello sky" - try doing *that* and staying miserable!). But they have their place for a number of situations and in your case, you ran when you otherwise would not have. Instead of making excuses you looked for a solution. Bravo!