I approached the last run of the week with some reluctance. Although I've done ok on all the other 25 min runs they felt like hard work and I had nothing in the tank to speed up by the end because I was just too tired! And yes I have been running them slow, although i could have gone maybe marginally slower again if I tried hard! I've been wondering how on earth I can move on to week 8 and run 3 whole extra minutes! It did feel more mental that physical in a way though.Anyway, today I got going and to my surprise I was feeling OK through the run and got to the last minute and sped right up for the finish by quite a lot. I ended feeling that I could have probably squeezed a few extra minutes out of myself as well if I needed to, so really positive!I'm not sure if this may in part be because I took two rest days instead of only one which hadn't been my plan but I ended up with a sick child at home yesterday. I might take a couple of days rest again before moving to the next week to let myself recover a bit again. It's going to be challenging doing much next week with the school holidays so I may take the whole next week very slowly!
The end is in sight...!