Good morning.... running people
Here I am... waiting here in the see who calls in today!
A whole load of new smoothies on offer.. some Googleberry muffins... ( don't ask) , and some hot drinks too!
The wind is blowing and the rain is lashing the window here this morning, but , the corner is warm and snug, your cushions are waiting.
The last few days of January are here and wow! Where did that month go to? It has whizzed by and I have a heck of a lot on over the next couple of days.
My running is still intermittent... but, it is happening as and when and my other exercise, which keeps this old bod' moving is ongoing... inculcating a new routine which began with the first class last Tuesday. T'ai Chi. Mr OF is joining me and we both... yes BOTH loved it!
A very welcoming and well organised group and with designated support for us newbies!
So... relaxed, refreshed and with time to reflect... what am I rambling about today?
I always find January a bit of an odd time. The hurly burly, hustle and bustle of Winterval has receded, the weather has a mind of its own and it can give us some very grey days.
We may if we are not careful , even subconsciously let this affect our running. If the weather is too dire, that is one thing, but sometimes, just sometimes, the urge to run maybe, us not as strong? So... what can we do to try and get the urge, pheromones going again?
If you are following the C25K programme, hopefully the desire to complete and graduate will be very strong... but maybe not? If you are a Graduate, a returners, just off the IC, that urge may sometime , almost disappear. โ Its dark, its cold, I feel like a lie in, I have had a hard day... โ etc. etc.
So I have been cruising, in my snail like way, looking around for new ways to get us going!
The things I gleaned from my search can be used by those folk on the C25K programme, those who may be repeating buts and those returners too !
First off !
Change direction.
Take a different route... If you are outdoors, this can be so much fun, ( Just do not get lost as I have done in the past)!
From, simply reversing the route, adding a slight detour, or as the runs get longer... to taking some water, running out and getting a bus home !
Run on sunshine.
Change the terrain under those running shoes. If you re a pavement pounder, find a park., a playing field, a canal towpath... it might take a little more planning, but again, something new! If you trail run normally.. then have a try at the pavements, it is a totally different type of run!
If you are on a treadmill... take the time to take a peek at the great outdoors. Maybe wait for a decent day, weather wise... we do not want you put off from the outset!
Going loopy.
If you have a stadium or athletics track near to you., give it a go... it will be different. I am lucky , a few parks near me have running track areas... and although it may seem like beautiful boredom. Just as a change, it does shake things up.
Use your ears.
Listen to something. Yes, you may be listening to the planned run... but if you know what the time frames are... a podcast, an audio book, music! Learn a new language... It can lighten the run wonderfully!
Use your eyes.
This for me is part of my runs, eyes, ears, nose and touch.
Look around, take every single thing in. Please do look ahead too ! Soak it up and suck it in... then when you get home and have a moment.. write it all down. A log of your runs, can be so good! The reading of them can help your progress and the giggles you get as you move onwards too. Reading about a sun-filled summer run, months after, on a dark day with rain lashing the window and the cold outside, can be amazing. I have eight years plus recorded runs! This can be a mindful run and one where every stress floats away... running in the moment!
You're worth it.
Treat yourself... for the run. Something small, something more if you are feeling flush! A pair of sassy socks, a new running belt, some gloves, a new cap... and then take them out and show the world !
Phone a friend.
Joining a running club...having a run with a friend, or even taking the dog... can all enhance the run. I met a lady one morning at the end of her run, and I was at the end of mine; we started to talk and she told me of a group that meet near by at a local run track in a nearby village. I have not had time to do that yet... but I will!
Okay... a few ideas there !
I simply chose a favourite route yesterday. I knew I was going to run, all my gear out the night before, but waking from a snuggly sleep. The temptation to snuggle down was there... then I thought. I am feeing so much stronger...I'll run up my hill... and do the route that has taken me from a grey snail to a more colourful one!
So I did. I saw sun-rise, squirrels, snowdrops and squabbling ducks... and that is all within 3K from home!
So... your turn now. I am going to sit back with my morning smoothie... and wait to see who pops in and what ideas you may have to share with us, for getting out on these darker and sometimes less appealing days.
See you soon.
Oldfloss x