As the benefits beyond mere physical fitness continue to reveal themselves it’s wonderful to finally feel a bit more in tune with this pale skinny excuse for a body I’ve been carting around for almost half a century.
Following W9R1 I was feeling a twinge in my right ankle. Ironically it felt like it came on after some post-run single leg calf raises rather than on the run itself.
It wasn’t excruciating but certainly noticeably sore as I walked on it the following day. Sensible head on, I decided to take two rest days even though I’d been looking forward to a nice Sunday run all week.
So, how injured is injured?
Yesterday I checked in with myself and made the call. The pain felt manageable and I was curious to know if a bit of movement would actually do it good.
As I started the brisk walk I’m feeling it more and wondering is this a good idea after all, I really don’t want to end up crocking myself with just two runs left to graduation.
But I knew that, even though I’m proud of the fact I’ve not quit on any of the challenges so far, I could stop if it was a problem. Then when I got going it was fine, in fact today the stiffness is all but gone.
In a life where so many things feel out of my control, this new-found personal agency over my physical being is very very powerful.