Had to take a week off at the end of week 6 because of knee and hip pain. I decided to run again on Monday - thought I'd see how it went and if I needed to I would put a walk in the middle and call it a redo of week 6. Anyway, I managed 22 minutes so called it a week 7 run 1 practice. Just done the full 25 minutes now, so that's week 7 run 1 done. Hurrah. Knee is fine, hip is hurting a bit. Is that just what happens when you start running at 59 never having got above a brisk walk before? I'm seeing a physio on Monday. Rather strangely, I'm enjoying running in the driving rain more than I thought I would! Hope you are all enjoying the weather!
Back running after a week off at end of week... - Couch to 5K
Back running after a week off at end of week 6 because of knee/hip pain

Sorry about your hip and knee pains, they could well be related one setting off the other, lower back may join in. Physio will sort you out, just hope they dont put you on the IC for a long time. Best of luck.
Thanks Grannytobe. I wonder if my left knee isn't quite lined up when I'm running. I ski, and when I get tired I lose the ability to turn right - depends on left leg! I might try gait analysis too. Is that effective do you know? Determined to crack this running. Can't give up now. I've bought hat, gloves, everything!
Huh a fellow skier ⛷there may be your problem hard on knees and hips. My skis are always wrecked on the tip at one side as I. Weaker turning one way than the other. Lost count of the amount of physio I've had for hip/knee/groin trouble but I'm now just living and running through it all as never fully removed the pain. Definitely not giving up skiing (started 1971 ski hard fast steep) and now want to run fast and flat.
I've been skiing a long time. Pretty much every year I end up crying though because I suddenly can't get down cos I can't turn right. It's a bit of a family joke actually. People standing bellowing 'You can Ski! Just ski!'. Hoping couch to 5K would make me fitter for this year. Off to Bormio, Italy on Boxing Day. Need to get this left leg sorted!
Flat and slow running is what Im doing at the moment. Quite a challenge finding somewhere flat where I live! Thanks for your comments. It is very encouraging.
Definitely we are heading to tiny village in dolomites on 4th jan. Make it clear to physio you want to both run and ski. Did you see the link in a post yesterday about injury/pain/ running ?
No I didn't see that. I'll dig it out, and thanks for advice for physio visit. There's loads of snow even now in Italy at the moment - we are both in for excellent trips I think.

I hope it's good news at the physio! Don't stress it out too much please.

How long has your hip ached? If you have pain in bed through the night consider asking your doctor for an xray; it may be arthritis(?).
It isn't really an ache. Its a sharp pain just above my hip bone when I run or walk upstairs. Been there a couple of weeks. I'll see how I get on with the physio - doctors is my next stop if that doesn't work! Thanks for the help.
Your probably right: hope its not the onset of arthritis.
My right hip was really painful mainly at night before going to the docs. An xray confirmed arthritis and 4 yrs later another xray confirmed it was worse, so decided to live with it.
A year later started running c25k and now over a year later it is no where near as bad. Certainly no pain when running.
Hopefully my 11 parkrun tomorrow.
Good luck x
I absolutely love running in the rain. Only on week 4 and hurt my knee. Had a rest for a week and ready to get back into it 😊
Hope you get back soon. We'll have snow to contend with before long too. Perhaps should have started all this in the spring!
I keep thinking that, but console myself with the idea that next spring/summer I will be running properly and will be much better at it so will be able to enjoy the change of season rather than be worrying so much about the actual running part of it!
Someone else said they wish they hadn't started in spring because it made them a bit of a fair weather runner!
Well done on your run and look at Japanese slow running, as that is supposed to take a lot of the pressure off the joints too. X