CATCH-up-CORNER... The Last Few Days of APRIL.... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-up-CORNER... The Last Few Days of APRIL...Slip off the running shoes and just sit down...

Oldfloss profile image
24 Replies

Hi running people...

April is nearly over and we are on our way to the marvellous month of May! Oh my!

It has been a month of mixed blessings for me... and maybe not having moved on as quickly as I would have liked. But, it is as it is. I started April with a super meet up of forum friends at a 10K run in beautiful Derbyshire. Running alongside my dear Bluebirdrunner ... was a joy. Both building back to running form, we simply ran and walked and chatted, and it was incredible.

The day after I was 73!... I still find that hard to believe! Since then.. injury illness, wind, weather and everything in between has sought to upend me...but... here I am, still! One of the things that keeps me positive, besides the friends here? My regular, simple, daily routines and, maybe far more important at certain times... my days of rest.

Yes.... all the past posts about exercise running alongside our running programme still count, but, there have to be rest days.

As new runners we all know at least one rest day between running days is essential, sometimes more... but this need for rest is always there.

So.... what about the day you wake up, and you know it is a run day... Week 4 Run 3, whatever? But,,, you immediately know, that you and your body are not up for it...

What do you do? Force yourself out of bed, get out and do that run... or... should you really listen to your body, and cuddle down and just rest.

Rest and recovery time is part of the whole thing... the way to getting stronger.

So... you take that extra day ; but sometimes again, there may be a need for a tad more than one day... you may be starting an illness, you may have had a rotten night's missed a meal, there are problems with the family... ? In happens !

Well... if you are going to be kind to yourself... take the day, take two... it wasn't supposed to be a rest day, but if you take the rest, you are doing the best thing for you and your body,

And yes, I know.... sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. We have to try, very hard, especially when we are beginning to learn to run and are full of eager excitement to just get on with it and progress.

Later on as we move even further in our running, we may have goals we want to reach, races to run; we want to run further or we want to run faster, and that temptation to push too hard, can be very, very strong,

So, we really need to try to become intuitive with our own body and mindful of what it is telling us? There could be little tell tale signs that could help us...for example;

It maybe easier to take those extra days if we have a physical injury or an illness; twinging muscles, aching legs, plantar fasciitis , runner's knee... all this kind of thing, that crop up in lots of our running posts. If any of these issues or going on longer than expected, or not responding to treatment, then that surely is an indication that we need to ease back?

Runs and performance feeling like a struggle, you feeling like it is hard work and not enjoyable?

Not sleeping well, feeling stressed, or as a forum friend on here said recently... just not feeling right... and what I describe, when this happens. as, not feeling quite like. 'Me ' !

So... while we are sitting in the corner... watching the rain ,( here anyway), sipping our coffee or our juice, munching on some warm croissants or some delicious blueberry muffins, freshly made... we can take time to think about ourselves and our running. Think how we feel, really feel. Are there times when we do push instead of easing off... maybe not...maybe you have got it spot on...and that is so good, but if not, then know that it is absolutely fine to take time out. It is necessary , even when everything is going wonderfully, to take that rest time.

Bottom line... accepting that the way our body feels, is different for each and every one one of us, if it is not working the way it normally does... then that is, surely, one of the best signs that we need to rest, and recover?

So, please, pop in and have a rest; share your running, and maybe too share any experiences you have had. of pushing a tad too hard... and realising that putting those running feet up would have been a better choice:)

Looking forward to seeing you .

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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24 Replies
Carners1 profile image

As a new runner (I only graduated the end of last year) the most important thing I've learnt is to listen to and be in touch with your body. Like old floss said, take that extra day if you need it, stop and walk for a bit if you need to. I've found that doing this won't set you back it will actually help your gains.I said in an earlier post that I've never been more in touch with my body since I've started running. I notice the positives of eating well and good nutrition and also the negatives of binging on junk food (let's be honest we all like a good binge now and again)

The most important thing I've learnt on here is hydration, it's the difference between heavy legs and light legs. I've found it quite easy to keep on top of It. I just bought one of those big water bottles on amazon and make sure I drink it every day.

All I can say is your body is amazing and is capable of so much more than you can imagine, just listen to it and look after it 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Carners1

I thought I had replied to this... thank you so much for popping ion and sharing this here! I really hope some of our new runners do read this... listening to our body is really the best guide... x

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Ooh fresh blueberry muffin, don't mind if I do😋There's been no running going on here since early March after my foot lost an argument with the leg of the bed. It looked like I had a broken toe, but I've now been given the all clear. There is still swelling which can be painful to walk on sometimes, and the medical advice I was given yesterday on restarting c25k was "suck it and see"!

So as usual, Floss, your ruminations are very timely!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Hello and thank you for calling on today... the muffins are rather good ! You most definitely had your rest, forced upon you... I can feel that twinging toe!

Hopefully that pain will subside... a little jogette and see how it feels... fingers crossed, and do let us know how it goes please x

I love the idea of being a timely ruminant! :)

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to Oldfloss


Elfe5 profile image

”Here I am still!” - Thank you that you are here, sharing the journey and encouraging us all- including yourself. Excellent cheerleading skills OF!😄

Listening & resting has very necessary for me over the last few months. I was just getting going after lingering viruses, had restarted C25K when along came Covid. 🙄

I’m doing what I can - celebrating a short walk that went ok yesterday among Spring blossom, sunshine, birdsong & met a “waggy” enthusiastic Labrador pup which reminded me about zest for life! - So yes, “Here I am still” too. 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Thanks you! It is so good that you are here with us still! You have had a very rough time... and the fact that you di listen and you did rest will certainly have helped your progress.

That short walk must have felt so, so good... after such long spell on the IC. Spring is in the air.. even of sometimes she is hiding a tad. Nothing like a waggy Labrador to make you feel that bounce ! Small granddaughter has a large year old Labrador who could bounce for England!

Slow and steady as you go... and do keep us posted please xxx

backintime profile image

Hi OldFloss

Sorry you've been under the weather, literally and figuratively.

I've actually been a good girl this week and took extra days off with my coldy/virusy/fluy thingy that I had. I "should" have run on Saturday, but put it off until Tuesday. Maybe I could have left it another day or so? I don't know, but Tuesday felt like I "should" at least give it a go and see how I felt. I'd been forced out of my cocoon on the sofa anyway to drop the dogs off at the vets for teeth cleaning and then pick them up again, so I did my W6R1 (as you know because I posted). I think I chose the right time as I felt better after the run and it got rid of the junk. Ran again yesterday and it felt great. Slow as usual but still good.

I've always been fairly in touch with my body as I did dance from age 3 for 13 years and then martial arts for 7 years in my early 20s, both of which can be quite intensive and the martial arts especially can involve lots of torn muscles if you're not properly warmed up. My martial arts instructor always said "train if it's above the neck and rest if it's below the neck" with reference to viruses, and I've followed that lead ever since as it seems to work well for me.

The only times I've really gone wrong is when I didn't listen to myself and should have, but let others convince me that things were ok - once after I gave birth to my daughter and one of my legs felt off and painful after - everyone said it was normal to have problems after giving birth and it would resolve, I ended up waiting two months and finally got it resolved in 30 mins with an osteopath, which I should have done straight away and saved myself the pain. The other time also involved childbirth (my youngest) when I knew something was off after I got home and kept ringing and ringing the hospital describing my symptoms and having them tell me that they were normal, only to end up with an infected uterus from bits of retained placenta.

You know you best. Listen to yourself. Don't let others avoid you seeking treatment (if it turns out to be nothing, then ok, but at least get checked out).

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to backintime

Such a helpful post, thank you for this.... i really hope our new runners do pop in and read this...

Listening hard to your body and more importantly, hearing what it is saying. You have clearly over the years, learned to do this well. As you say, also, though... it can be tricky if folk try to convince you to do otherwise.. and you found this out the hard way! Gosh,

I think in our running, it happens or can happen to.. folk trying to say, oh that's just a normal ache or, you could run a tad faster..

"You know you best. Listen to yourself."

That is, in my book, spot on.

Very, very well done on those runs... because now, you are looking forward with confidence on the ones to come. Your really are, your own best friend .... thank you for calling in today x

Cassie_7 profile image

Happy belated birthday Floss! I hope you had a lovely b'day. Talking of a rest day, I am having one today! We have had a lot of really changeable weather here too. Gales, rain, over night frosts, yet brief respites of warm sunshine.

Sometimes I long to get out on my next run, but I am mindful of not pushing too hard and possible injury. Currently on week 9, the second run over the weekend hopefully.

I find the app really good and it is so encouraging to listen to a recording, rather than following a set pattern, having to check constantly for the times for running and walking. I think I would lose track very easily! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Cassie_7

Thank you... I had a lovely day... !

I hope your rest day was enjoyable today.... the weather is a real mix right now... we too, had rain overnight, fog this morning and rain and now.. glorious sunshine although chilly!

You are being so sensible ... wanting the run but being mindful... that way, you get the run... and not an injury!

Fingers crossed that the weekend run goes well, and good to know that the app is useful ... well done you.

Please pop in and let us know how that run goes:) Extra muffins! x

BarbieW profile image

Hi Oldfloss and good post. I know I am my own worst enemy, but I am learning to listen to my body, as instructed!

I completed Week 3 this week, after finding a sweet little reservoir within 5 minute run of the hotel I was staying in in Birmingham, which I ran around twice, without seeing a single other person! (Such a crowded city, Brum!).

On my way back along the road, I did see two solitaries, probably walking to work, and shocked them both by saying a cheery good morning to them. What, talk to strangers, nah, far too dangerous. But it did bring a smile to my face, and theirs!

Onto Week 4 this morning, back in rural Hampshire (where I always talk to those I meet), but have to admit I did find the step up to 5 minutes quite tough, so I’ll have a couple of rest days now, to recover.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BarbieW

Oh yes... you said you would be in Birmingham! Gosh a reservoir within a short distance from you!

That was lucky indeed... and it sounds to have been a great run,,, and you made two folks day :)

I bet Hampshire felt so different when you got home?

You did well on that run and wonderfully, ( and I really hope our Newbies read this... you found a bit of a blip in that 5, a couple of rest days are needed.

Perfect... Intuitive running and making sure you are feeling ready for the next, enjoyable, run :)

BarbieW profile image
BarbieWGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Did W4R2 this morning, and discovered there are actually 2 5-minute runs, so obviously I only noticed the second one on R1! So I can’t have been that bad!

SueAppleRun profile image

Hello Floss and all, hope my cushions here because I need a rest, less running but way more walking this week with my keen young neighbour, there was almost a puppy too but luckily I came to my senses, tomorrow is rest day, I'm hoping I might sleep tonight too as that's not been happening very much. But today I've crossed some difficult hurdles and am looking forward to May and warmer weather

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

You know your cushion is here, always.... and kept close.

I am just about to read your walking post... 4 walks this week? Blimey !

The clean, fresh air, good company, and being out again in the wide world may settle your mind and soul a little. A non-active day is most certainly needed, my friend... time to recover, rest and recharge.

Rest easy here ... and hopefully your sleep tonight may be peaceful. xxx

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

5 walks 2 runs 19k the most I've done in a week for ages, I think I may start sleeping now things have been sorted out a bit xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

I'm glad... it's going to take time... but.. you will get there..... and you know that you will not be doing it alone xx..

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss, an extra comfy cushion please and a footstool please!

How I enjoyed our run together at the beginning of April, a dream come true.

A few runs on back at home however, and it seems something had to give. I noticed the strain first just sitting cross legged for yoga, my right knee was sore.

Then on walks it was aching. The hamstring behind that knee feels tight and hurts when pressed. I have started wearing a knee compress. Its been a week now and not improving, so I had better give it some serious attention!

I have not been running and stopped yoga for a while too.

It doesn't help of course that I am on my knees so much with my little grandson, but that can't be avoided.☺💙

Just when I was really enjoying regular running again too! Will see the doctor if no improvement next week. The pain is all behind the knee. There is a knobble below the kneecap at the front from kneeling though, but I have had that a while.

Ho hum, enforced rest for me.

I was sorry to hear you have been poorly too.



Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Oh my goodness.... not the news we want to hear, but so glad you popped in for a sit down! This is a weird one... the knee issue... I had with our small one, as you know a fair while ago...not sure if I can find that post... I wonder if the kneeling and the pain is related.. maybe an x ray may show something up... ???

Enforced rest is rest and that is good... :) Gives you time to find out what is happening...!

I am feeling a heck of a lot better now than I did... I did not say much about it because I always seem to be whinging lately! :)

Please do get it checked out and keep us posted... your cushion is always here , waiting, my friend xx

misswobble profile image

Hi Floss 👋

I’m taking a few days off running as I’m babysitting the old dog. We are enjoying perambulating slowly about the place 🐕

It’s good to have a mini break It makes me enjoy running all the more when I get back out there 🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to misswobble

MissW... I nearly missed you!!! I am so sorry...!

That few days off running and walking the dog sounds like a great idea... easing back, taking it gently and knowing, as you say, that the runs are still there.... and will be all the sweeter for the time away !

So good to see you, please do pop in any time you like :)

misswobble profile image

I ran my missed half marathon the other day! Five weeks or so late but relieved to have done it at last. Sadly not at Monsal though

I unfurled a new HM plan and have ticked off Run 1 🙂🏃‍♀️

Our local hilly 10k takes place next Sunday. I’m going to see if there’s any places left 🙂

Wavy-chick28 profile image

Not the month of running I had planned but as you say life happens! More illness , emergency dog walking as my son fractured his ankle at work so away to him and walking the dogs twice a day, but rewarded with country walks.

Then Nana duties at my other sons and home and back on more antibiotics so I need rest and recuperation and another plan for May 🌸☀️🕶

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