Over on the strength and flex forum we are starting the first week of Just One thing.
Running is so good for us in many ways, it builds muscles, increase stamina, helps to control weight and many more things but the more we run the more we have to look after and protect ourselves if we want to run faster, further. The simple act of running is not the best way to increase these things.
The NHS recommends we do two sessions a week that include stregnth and stretch work, these are a great addition to our running.
The problem is, if you are like me they are hard to do. Not because they are hard but simply because they are not as fun as running but the more you progress you will find they more important they are.
Over in the S&F forum we have a weekly motivator to do Just One Thing that takes us out of our comfort zone to help support our muscles and in return helps supports out joints.
So please come on over and join us.
Rfc x