1st Run ✔️: Hi everyone, I’m new to couch to 5k... - Couch to 5K

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1st Run ✔️

Brighter1 profile image
36 Replies

Hi everyone, I’m new to couch to 5k. I downloaded the app 2 years ago! It’s really hilly where I live and to avoid the weather putting me off I bought a reasonably priced treadmill to get me going.

This first run wasn’t as bad as I expected so I’m optimistic!

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Brighter1 profile image
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36 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5....

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you, I will read this

MissUnderstanding profile image

It’s very hilly round here too. I feel your pain. Don’t write them off-super slow and steady is the way forward (for the whole programme!). I find running on the flat a bit dull now! If you can get used to running outside, it opens lots of options up like parkrun and running with others etc so it might be worth trying to find a route where you can experiment a bit.

Really good luck with the programme. There’s loads of support here.

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Thank you for your reply. I do hope to run outside when I build some confidence. For now, without any knowledge of whether or not I can run or like running, I’m nervous about running away from home and I have to get back if something happened… I don’t know what but I need more confidence. I hope I like it and it becomes a new hobby. Can I ask? What does ‘graduate’ mean

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Brighter1

That sounds like a really sensible way to start. There are lots of people who do the whole programme on a treadmill and don’t run outdoors at all. It’s another great way to run. The main thing is to run! Keep it lovely and slow so you could hold a conversation if someone was with you and that will see you through.

Graduate just means you’ve already completed the c25k programme. I did it as a New Year’s resolution and got totally hooked. Hanging around these forums means I don’t bore my husband too much with all my run chat!!

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Thank you for this really supportive message, and for the great advice! I will hold a conversation with my dog while I practice!I too hope to get hooked, and my dog will run outdoors with me if I get that far.

Thanks again

Instructor57 profile image
Instructor57Graduate in reply to Brighter1

A 'Graduate' is someone who has completed the Couch to 5k programme

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Instructor57

Thank you, I hope to be a graduate some day!

M0use profile image

Well done on making that decision and starting this fantastic plan. The first run wasn't as bad as you expected, that reminds me so much of my first week, I fully expected to fail miserably on the first run and was prepared to say that's it never again I knew I couldn't do it but the first one was ok and within a week I was loving it and completely hooked. Just take it slow and trust the programme, you'll be amazed at what you'll be able to do. ☺️

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to M0use

Thank you for reaching out and for your encouragement. I too thought I couldn’t run (running is for children! 🙄) so I thought I’d have to learn how to do it and that I’d fail. It’s actually quite easy isn’t it! Taking it slow so as not to get overwhelmed and out of breath. I really think I can do this with the program and the support here is lovely. So good to see so many people achieve this

M0use profile image
M0useGraduate in reply to Brighter1

You definitely can (if I can you can) keep posting you'll get loads of support here ☺️

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to M0use

Thank you, well done on graduating and nice to meet you.

Liono profile image

Hi there, and well done for starting! That's the hardest bit done - it's an excellent programme and has been life-changing for many of us, enjoy it!

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Liono

Hi Liono, thank you for the encouragement. I’m hoping it will be life changing for me too. I enjoyed it so that’s a good start

Liono profile image
LionoGraduate in reply to Brighter1

It's a GREAT start, can't ask for anything more! 😊

Dendev75 profile image

Hi, well done on completing your first run. 👏🏻 It’s a good idea to have your treadmill for those horrible weather days and until you build your confidence up (which you will). I started ct5k around April this year (for the second time) and wore all black so People wouldn’t notice me, I noticed nobody cares (including me now) I graduated in July and I’m wearing the brightest running gear and trainers out there 🤣👍🏻 Keep going and you might venture outdoors for a new running experience

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Dendev75

Thank you for making me smile! And the encouragement. You’re absolutely right about me other reason for not going outside yet, I don’t want to be seen! But I love your confidence that my confidence will grow! I was just assessing my heart rate from the run and it seems I maybe wasn’t going fast enough, but a slow start is better so as not to put myself off. I enjoyed it and looking forward to my next run. Congratulations on graduating… and your brightly coloured gear!

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to Brighter1

I wouldn’t worry too much about heart rates while you’re on the program, just keep it slow so you know you can finish each run comfortably 👍🏻☺️ It’s something I’m having to tell myself now doing my consolidation runs; I keep starting off too fast and become tired too easily so my next run I’m determined to start slow and keep it slow and steady right through 🏁

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Dendev75

Slowly seems to be the advice everywhere I look. And I like slowly, I learned to set my bar low with anything new so I don’t get fed up too quickly. The whole process is start slow and pace myself. I would like this to become a habit

Cmoi profile image

HI Brighter1 , congratulations on getting started. Hills are your friends, so do get out there and give them a try. You can always go part-way up or part-way down, you don't have to do an entire run or walk section in the same direction.

Btw I've just noticed your other post saying you think your heart rate was too slow. Most people on these forums worry about keeping their heart rate low (I don't, as I run by perceived effort not heart rate) and you'll do much better going slow rather than too fast, so please don't think you need to speed up.

Enjoy C25K!

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Cmoi

Thank you. It sounds like you know what you’re talking about. And I like what you say about perceived effort. Reading someone else’s post just now reminded me that I did cross country running at school! I’d completely forgotten. These hills will be mine 😄 slowly!

Sisteract5 profile image

Welcome. What a great idea to buy a treadmill- you are def committed. one down - next one to go 😊 enjoy

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Sisteract5

Thank you! I thought having a treadmill was a cop out, or an investment that I could regret if I don’t use it, but it’s turning out to be motivation because I don’t have going out as an excuse, my cosy bedroom to run in, in my pjs if I want! 😄

Sisteract5 profile image

Def not a cop out - a sign of determination to me. An investment in yourself - well done 😊

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Sisteract5

Thank you for your support 😀

Joolsmule profile image

Hi, congratulations on completing your first run. I started c25k in Feb last year but have restarted due to injury and Covid. It’s really hilly where I live too, apart from a couple of runs I stick to the local running track. It’s not very well maintained though and has poor drainage. In the winter it was like running on wet sand , only my every footstep left deep imprints filled with water. I’ve just been away for the week and for the first time I ran on the road. I was really nervous the first day and stuck to quiet back roads. The 2nd day I just went for it and ran along a busy main road. It helped being somewhere unfamiliar but it’s also has given me another option, and I hope it’s something I can build on. The track is closed tomorrow so I’m planning a nice route to start with. Good luck with the programme however you decide to run it. The important thing is you’re doing it, and you’ll find loads of support on here 😊

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Joolsmule

Thank you! You’re doing really well and making lots of progress expanding your comfort zone. That’s inspiring! Well done 👏

Swimming24 profile image

Well done Brighter1 for starting the programme. It is an amazing journey and one that will get you hooked. I don’t think it matters how you run/jog to build up your confidence and stamina. Enjoy the various stages and have fun 🏃🏼‍♂️

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Swimming24

Thank you Swimming24! That’s helpful to know, and that’s exactly it, confidence and stamina. I’ll go as slowly as needed, even doing early weeks more than once if needed. 2 runs in and I’ve enjoyed them both. I’ll make sure I keep enjoying it.

I assume you’re an experienced runner, well done for keeping yourself fit and healthy

Swimming24 profile image
Swimming24Graduate in reply to Brighter1

Hi Brighter1 I am a 67 year old who has never run/jog before but I took on the advice that is given by the many are more experienced than me. I have kept to a slow steady trot never thinking about the time just about trying to complete each run and staying injury free. I have completed week 6 and will do week7 run1 tomorrow. I started this as a way of avoiding having to take medication, so far it is working but more importantly I feel so much better both mentally and physically. There is a lot of good support and advice on this forum. I would always say listen to your body and don’t push it to hard to early. There is no rush. Take the time to enjoy it. Happy running 🏃🏼‍♂️

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to Swimming24

I love that, a steady trot. I don’t think I will ever become a runner. I’m a steady person. Cross country running at school, not sprinting. I was the same with swimming. And running worries me as a hobby because although it’s great for lots of things, it’s hard on the body. I’m glad you’re doing this in a way that’s right for you and you’re getting so much out of it. I found your comment very reassuring, and validating. Thank you

Swimming24 profile image
Swimming24Graduate in reply to Brighter1

I am no expert but I follow the advice given on this site and I listen to my ageing body. Running/jogging isn’t for everyone but you won’t know unless you give it a go in a manner that you are comfortable with. Slow is best 👍

alpacagirl profile image

Hi Brighter1 - it’s a bit hilly here too and country lanes with no pavement. Being self conscious I often used to go out early or run around a field out of sight! With the hills I used to try and time it so I was doing the running intervals downhill or on the flat and doing the walking intervals uphill. Sometimes doubling back on myself. Worked for me😅

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to alpacagirl

Thank you, that’s all good advice, and I too am self conscious. However I’m no where near confident enough to run outside, I’m enjoying the treadmill and I accept that may be as far as I get with it.

Well done to you for finding ways that worked for you.

alpacagirl profile image
alpacagirlGraduate in reply to Brighter1

That’s great - you obviously enjoy the treadmill and find it suits you. The important thing is to exercise regularly. Stay in touch with this forum - it is incredibly encouraging and can keep you motivated.

Brighter1 profile image
Brighter1Graduate in reply to alpacagirl

Thank you, I’m seeing the support here, thank you for yours 😀

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